When Kupe returned to Hawaiki in AD1000, he left directions for voyaging into the next millennium…

‘Waiho i te taha katau o te rā,
o te marama, o kōpū rere ai’

‘let it be to the right of the sun, of the moon, of the morning star on high’ – Mason Durie


Te Kāpehu Whetū

Te Kāpehu Whetū or the ‘Māori Star Compass’, is the name of our bilingual educational services based in Whangarei. This name, given to us by Matua Hekenukumai Busby, MBE – Northland’s very own Māori icon,  combined with the great voyager Kupe’s directions act as a metaphoric guide for us.

Sponsored by He Puna Marama Trust, Te Kāpehu Whetū has ‘launched’ a new format for Māori education covering early childhood through to young adults:

“Empowering our students to
‘Be Māori’, ‘Be Rangatira’, ‘Be Educated’
so that they can navigate their futures in a  globalised society, standing confidently ‘on the marae and in the world.”


Mokopuna early childhood centres, where the nurturing of learning begins, ‘we see ourselves as an extension of the whānau’, with a centre in Moerewa, two in Whangarei and two in Manurewa.

Te Paenuku

Te Paenuku (year 1-6) ‘the close horizon’ opened February 2015, is a bilingual primary school offering Te Marautanga o Aotearoa curriculum and utilises experiential, place-based opportunities to learn knowledge holistically.

Te Paetawhiti

Te Paetawhiti (year 7-10) ‘the far horizon’, is due to open in February 2016.

Te Paerangi

Te Paerangi (year 9–13) ‘the distant horizon’, opened in February 2014, is a full secondary school focused on students gaining a sound foundation in core curriculum areas (Matauranga Māori, Social Science, Mathematics  and Science), while offering an array of ancillary subjects to maintain variety and/or support NCEA achievement.

Leadership Academy of A Company

Leadership Academy of A Company founded 6 years ago as a tribute to the 28 Māori Battalion and to foster young Māori leadership. The Academy established our unique educational approach – empowering students to ‘Be Māori’, ‘Be Educated, ‘Be Rangatira’ so that they can ‘navigate’ their futures in a globalised society, standing confidently ‘on the marae and in the world’ –

“Tū ki te Marae…Tū ki te Ao”.

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