Pānui ā Kura – 24 November 2024
Kia ora koutou e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,
Last week was again filled with mahi kaupapa for our Kura:
– Paenuku showing support on Tuesday for Te Hikoi mo Toitū Te Tiriti, producing their own boards and holding their hikoi tautoko around the field
– To the Paerangi Graduation and Prize giving on Friday.
“E ngā kotiro kua puta i te kura o te tau 2024, tēnei te mihi maioha me ngā manaakitanga ki a koutou. Kia Kaha, Kia Māia, Kia Manawanui i ngā ara kei mua i a koutou. Mā te aroha o tō koutou whānau, te kaha o tō koutou wairua, me ngā akoranga kua riro i a koutou, e taea ai te whakatutuki i ngā wawata katoa. Haere whakamua, Tū Māori, Tū Māia, Tū Rangatira nga Year 13 Kōhine: Taimana Ramach, Jorgiah Linton, Helena Larkins & Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick.
(With Whaea Karen)
To recognition of excellence and achievement Awards
(see: Paerangi report below)
– To announcement of our 2025 Pou Arahi
o Natalie Maihi-Hansen
o Raukura Keerako
o Narima Ramach
o Kruize Cooper-Brown
o Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd
o Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
And announcement of our two Head Pou Arahi
-Ngākupenga Tautari
-Herrick Manawa Armstrong
Kia pai tō wiki
Whaea Rae
Ko tētahi ō ngā kaupapa motuhāke ō tēnei wāhanga tuawhā o te tau, ko te Māhi ā Rehia me Tānerore, tua atu I tērā. E ako ana ngā tauira o te akomanga o Mangoroa, ki ngā tūmomo, Taonga Pūoro.
E ako ana mātou hoki, ki ngā Atua i tūhono ki i a tūmomo Taonga Pūoro. E hanga ana mātou I tētahi kōauau he tāonga pūoro nō neherā. Ka whakaharatau mātou ki te whakatangi i tā mātou kōauau, kia pai ai te oro, kia reka te rongo.
He ngākaunuitia tēnei māhi, te hānga kōauau kia Mangoroa.
I terā wiki, i hāere tāhi ana mātou ki Whangaruru, mō Ngā iti Kahurangi Festival. Miharo rawa te tū whakahirahira, te tū whakangahau.
I tēnei wiki, ka tūhono ā Mokopuna me Paenuku, nā raro i te whakaaro kōtahi, kia hikoi tāhi ai mātou ki te whira o Paenuku. Hei whakanuia, hei tautoko i te kaupapa nui rawa.
He pai hoki te kite i ngā tūmomo kākahu, haki anō hoki, kia hiki te kaupapa, ka rongo atu i ngā tamariki, e waiata ana, e haka ana.
Tēnei mātou e maioha atu nei, e mihi nei, tēnā rā tātou katoa manawatia, te kaha ō tātou ki te hiki i te kaupapa.. Kia Toitū te Tirirti
Kia whakakōtahi ai
Kia kaha rawa te hoe o te waka.
He huihuinga pai mai Mokopuna tae atu ki te whanau whānui o te Kāpehu Whetū.
“Kia kōtahi te whakaaro, kia tū tahi ai tātou”
Reminder: Please collect and pay for your Matariki mahi toi or we will be selling it on at the Market Day.
Kia Mahara Mai tātou – Important Dates:
27th November – Last game of poitukohu
28th November – Moana Movie (TBC)
6th December – Market Day (TBC)
13th December – Prizegiving
17th December – Haerenga (TBC)
18th December – Last day of kura
Ngā pūrongo week 6
Nau mai ki te wiki tuaono
This past week, Paetawhiti began exploring slam poetry, an art form that combines performance and audience engagement to convey deep emotions on a topic. Throughout the term, ākonga have watched and listened to various examples, then create their own pieces on subjects meaningful to them. We hope to showcase some of these at our prizegiving.
Paetata also embarked on a mountain walk with Matua Wiremu, Matua Mohi, and Matua Nev. Our journey took us through Mackesy Bush, across the ridge to Winiwini Track, and then onto Ross Track, eventually reaching the summit of Parihaka. The three-and-a-half-hour trek tested the grit and determination of Paetata ākonga.
Paerangi Prizegiving And Graduation
Congratulations to Helena, Taimana, Jorgiah, and Te Rauhina for completing NCEA Level 3 and graduating. We have enjoyed being part of your journey through your school years. We wish you all the best for your next chapter in life.
2024 Paerangi Awards
Subject Awards
Year 11:
Jerome Paki – Academic excellence in Physical Education
Natalie Maihi-Hansen – Excellent effort in Te Reo Maori and Mathematics
Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa – Academic Excellence in Te Reo Maori and Mathematics, Excellent effort in English and Physical Education
Year 12:
Narima Ramach – Excellent effort in Te Reo Maori
Ngākupenga Tautari-Herrick – Academic excellence in Te Reo Maori
Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd – Academic excellence in English, Business Studies, and Physical Education, Excellent effort in Mathematics
Year 13:
Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick – Academic excellence in Te Reo Maori
Jorgiah Linton – Academic excellence in Te Ao Haka, Excellent effort in Physical Education
Outstanding Attendance:
Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick 90%
Kruize Cooper-Brown 93%
Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa 94%
Ngākupenga Tautari-Herrick 96%
Sportsman of the year
Kahuroa Hohipa
TKW Pou Awards
Kia Māori – Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
Kia Mātau Tuatahi: Year 11 – Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
Kia Mātau Tuarua: Year 12 – Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd
Kia Mātau Tuatoru: Year 13 – Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick
Leadership Academy of A Company Awards
From Lance Corporal to Corporal
– Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd
From Corporal to Sergeant
– Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
– Manawa Armstrong
Academy Pou Awards
Kia Māori – Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
Kia Mātau – Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Manawa Armstrong
2025 Pouarahi
- Natalie Maihi-Hansen
- Raukura Keerako
- Narima Ramach
- Kruize Cooper-Brown
- Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd
- Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa
2025 Head Girl
Ngākupenga Tautari-Herrick
2025 Head Boy
Manawa Armstrong
Te Ākingamanawa : See the Panui PDF for this section
Along with disallowing cell phones and IT devices from being used in Kura (unless part of a lesson and allowed for learning by Pouako) another Government policy being measured is Student Attendance. See below:
The Government has set a target of 70% regular attendance for every student each term for 2024
Attendance is linked to both student wellbeing and to attainment. Ministry of Education insights studies show that attending Kura regularly is, on average, associated with more positive wellbeing outcomes. Attendance is also linked to student attainment, especially in secondary students.
Although we have a good attendance rate across the Kura, it can be better. Our attendance across both sites is usually around mid-high 70s.
We understand that there are valid and important reasons for ākonga to be out of school at times and this is ok but please let the tari know when and why your child is absent.
Tari Year 7-13 ring Whaea Jackie: (09) 955 9996
Tari Year 1-6 ring Whaea Sam: (09) 438 8033
Automated text notification of absence
We have reinitiated our automated text message system for absences starting next week. If your child is marked with an unknown absence in the morning on an automatic text message will be sent to the primary caregiver(s) to notify them.
Thank you very much to all whanau who have responded to these texts either by replying or contacting the office. This has made a significant difference to the number of unjustified absences we have.
Te Kāpehu Whetū has worked with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures.
The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well-researched and align with the National Education and Learning Priorities. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behavior management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our school board has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented.
We invite you to visit the site at School Docs
We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.
To do this we commit to success in all its forms:
Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.
Raewyn Tipene
Important Dates
See Calendar for Key Events