Pānui ā Kura – 8 December 2023
Firstly apologies whanau, with so many events, haerenga happening these last two weeks and having 2 separate sites, has caused more confusion than normal across the four whare. Our apologies.
So to confirm – the last day of Kura is tomorrow Monday 11th December 2023 at 3pm
If you absolutely cannot change your arrangements please contact.
- Whaea Sam for Teina (Paenuku)
- Whaea Kerrian for Tuakana (Paetata/Paetawhiti)
Now, last week was off the charts, as we worked day and night to ensure our Prizegiving ceremonies would happen. Again, the weather played havoc with us and our Paenuku ceremony was transfered from Wednesday to Friday BUT despite that, we held two fabulous prizegiving and the graduation ceremonies for the Kura. It is important that we acknowledged key ākonga and their achievements and accomplishment across all four Whare. On Friday, we had the Paerangi prizegiving and Graduation dinner, where we handed out the Kura and Academy Pou awards and graduated our two Year 13 ākonga. Also at the Graduation dinner we announced our 2024 Pou Arahi (Leadership) team for Te Kāpehu Whetū. The next few pages recognise those ākonga who have raised the bar.
Note: Paetata/Paetawhiti prizegiving is tomorrow in their whare at 11am.
And before the year ends Id like to acknowledge all the staff who have worked tirelessly, in what was another very challenging year, to ensure that our tamariki and ākonga received the learning and experiential opportunties, we believe, will provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary in a rapidly changing, fluctuating world.
Lastly, to the whanau of all our rangatira of tomorrow……borrowing korero from Te Pāti Māori…….
TKW whanui ngā mihi….I whakamana I te kaupapa nei, mo ngā mokopuna te take!!!
Toitu Te Tiriti
TKW Graduates
Our two 2023, Year 13 ākonga were rightly honoured at the Graduation Dinner, having carried the Kura and Academy, essentially on their own, as the year 13 leaders. A lonely task at times and often difficult but the two always conducted themselves, admirably, as they went about supporting the Pouako of our Kura and the Academy staff and cadets. At the Graduation dinner, both spoke and their korero were some of the best ever given by Academy leaders. Without a doubt they set the scene for the night and we could feel the Academy mana of old returning. Go well boys…..
Prizegiving – Prizes
Download the pānui to get a list of all those who received prizes. Congratulations everyone who worked really hard this year and were able to reach and exceed their goals.
Te Kāpehu Whetū Head Girl
Congratulations to our new Head Girl for 2024 – Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick.
Whānau, please note
- Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
- Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.
As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.
Important Dates (October-December)
2023 – School End 11 Dec 2023
2024 – Paerangi starts early – TBC, Full School starts 7 February 2024