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Unbelievably we have just completed week 5 of Term 1.  We started the week on Monday with an important kaupapa for the Leadership Academy, who were asked to support the powhiri at Motatau Marae, for the Waitangi Tribunal, who were there for the Veterans Claims Hui. As usual, outstanding representation by our Tai tama tāne, from standing for 1.5 hours during the powhiri process, providing the waiata with our senior Kōhine and helping out back. Very proud of all of you.

During the week Paenuku continued to build our response in Poitukohu (basketball) with our teams now attracting sufficient ākonga to create a third team….awesome Waita me Nuku!!!

We ended the week with a packed house at Maumahara for our Term 1 Whanau Hui.  Hopefully we were able to provide an understanding of what our Kura stands for and how we plan to go forward.  Before the end of term, our 4 whare will hold a “meet the Pouako” Hui so you can get a clear picture of the mahi taking place in the Whare and your tamariki’s progress.

Our 4 Whare = Paenuku (Y1-6), Paetata (Y7/8), Paetawhiti (Yr 9/10) and Paerangi (Yr 11-13)

Raewyn Tipene


Ngā mahi o te wiki nei:

  • Toitū te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Poitukohu ki te kura ki te Whakataetae
  • He ngakau aroha ki te ako

Kia Hiwa Ra!!! te whanau of Paenuku

Kia ora tātou – Ka ako tonu ana matou i ngā kaupapa pai mō ā tātou tamariki, mokopuna, ara, te Tiriti o Waitangi. I hanga mātou i ngā kara tino Rangatiratanga me te Whakaputana. Ka whawhai tonu mātou mō ake tonu atu.

E tautoko kaha ana matou i a ngai tātou ki te whare miēre a Huhana i tōna korero mo te korenga o te Whatu Ora. Aroha ki a tātou.

E mihi ana tātou ki ngā rangatira a Herbie, Matt me Casey mō a rātou awhina i a mātou ki te kura hei whakarite ngā tamariki mō te whataetae poitukohu ki te whare Hākinakina o McKay. Ka rawe ngā mātanga poitukohu.

I timata ngā tīma e rua ko Waita me Nuku i tēra wiki me tenei wiki anō. Ka toa ngā tīma e rua inanahi. Mihi kau atu ki ngā mātua me ngā kaiako a Poi raua ko Ren ki te awhi i a mātou.


Ka ako tonu a Tūahiahi ki te mau i nga mahi o te taumata. Ētahi e kaha ki te karakia, waiata, te kōrero tauparapara, whakatauki hoki. A te mutunga o te rā ka taea te reo matatini e rere ana mai i ngā tamariki, mokopuna o Tūahiahi. Muari ora, mauri tau.


Tēnā tātou e te whanau

As we steadily reach the halfway mark of our first term, we have seen some really good progress with student learning engagement and whanaungatanga. We have settled nicely into each of our whare and our tauira have shwon some really good commitment towards striving for greatness in all ares of their learning and self development.

What’s happening this week?

Pepeha – Ko Wai au

Ko wai au is a fundamental aspect of knowing who we are and where and who we come from. This week was a reflection of all of those things. Over the course of this term, our tauira will be learning different ways in which they can approach their pepeha and whakapapa connection stories. Each morning we start our day with wā whakarite, which allows a place of safety for tauirato practice and deliver their karakia, tauparapara and mihimihi.

Thank you to whānau who took time to support their child with filling in their tātai whakapapa and pepeha information.

Kia Māori



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau.

“Showing up is half the battle”

A big mihi to all our ākonga who turn up on time, in the correct uniform, positive, and ready for the mahi.  Being in the right place at the right time is a major step in the right direct for success. It is pleasing to see more and more ākonga jumping on this waka.

Thank you to everyone who attended our whanau hui on Thursday. We hope you found the evening informative, and you are confident in the kaupapa and direction of the Kura.  Thank you to Taihoronuku and Kruize for the excellent chef skills manning the bbq and to the tuakana ākonga who looked after and entertained the teina during the presentations, it was beautiful to see the whanaungatanga in action.  If whanau wish to meet with their tamariki’s pouako to discuss their individual plans and mahi please email Whaea Brenda to arrange a suitable time,

Our Kura uniform is looking better, but there are still some areas needing improvement mainly:

  • Shoes must be all black
  • Skirts need to be the Kura pleated style
  • Boys’ shorts need to be fully black and cannot be sport/exercise shorts


Paerangi have fitness class 3 times a week as well as their timetabled PE subject classes.  They need to bring their PE gear every day.  Unfortunately, the state of our PE uniform is not meeting our high standards.  Ākonga are to wear:

  • Either the kura PE shirt or a plain black t shirt
  • Fully black shorts appropriate for sport and movement

Your support in helping your tamariki dress correctly is appreciated.

We have hit the half way mark for Term 1 with just 6 weeks to go.  Every moment of every kaupapa counts so Paerangi ākonga come ready to give your best in every subject, every class and across all 3 pou.

Ngā mihi

Whaea Brenda
Pouwhakahaere Paerangi



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

As we reach the end of fifth week of Term 1, we are thrilled to share some early highlights from our tuakana Physical Education program. Despite being in the early stages of the term, our students have already engaged in a variety of activities aimed at enhancing their physical abilities and fostering teamwork.

In junior PE (Years 9 and 10), students have been immersing themselves in invasion games such as Ki-o-rahi, basketball, and touch rugby. Through these games, they are learning fundamental skills and strategies essential for successful gameplay. It is inspiring to see their enthusiasm and dedication as they tackle these new challenges.

Meanwhile, our Year 11 students have been delving into the concept of kotahitanga, exploring how unity and collaboration contribute to success in sports and other physical activities. They are beginning to understand the importance of supporting one another and working together as a team.

In Year 12, students are balancing fitness training with personal achievement goals. While participating in invasion games, they are also focusing on improving their strength and fitness levels. It is encouraging to see them set personal targets and strive towards achieving them.

The weather is still very hot and it is easy to get dehydrated while during physical activity.  Please remind your tamariki to bring a water bottle to Kura. Our ākonga are active every day of the week and adequate hydration is ones the most important factors in your child’s education.

Mauri ora!

Rua Paki

Te Kāpehu Whetū Kaupapa

We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

  • Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
    An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
  • Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
    Encouraging innovation, inquiry, and the development of specialised knowledge/skills
  • Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
    The development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana).

“Ki te kore te putake e makukungia, e kore te rakau e tupu”
If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will never grow

Raewyn Tipene


Important Dates

See Calendared Dates