Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū
Hari Tau Hou Māori
Friday 7th June was Whiro and also marked the start of the Māori Lunar New Year
The next few weeks Matariki and Puanga will rise….with Matariki Public Holiday on Fri 28th June.
Te Wā O Te Hine:
Now that the Academy are home we turn our attention to a programme for our senior Kōhine. We are working through a range of concepts and will share these over the last weeks of term.
However, as we are in the Māori Lunar New Year and Matariki is rising, we are hoping to organise an overnight wananga for Year 9/10/12 Kōhine, with Year 11/13s attending 1 day only.
If we can organise the logistics. information will be sent out to whanau. Keep an eye out!
In case you missed the notice, the Kensington gym ISN’T available for 2 weeks so there won’t be any Basketball for the next two Wednesdays….Ohhhhh our teams love the game and do so well.
“Nga mihi” to Matua Herb” and his crew who come every week to train our teams at Paenuku.
Keep an eye on your messages/emails for updates.
Kapahaka 2024:
Training has started for our kapahaka stand at Primary and Intermediate regionals in November. We are throwing all in to get our two roopu ready. Watch this space!!!
In the last week of term we will be celebrating the rise of Matariki…everyone is involved in preparing for a Wearable Arts evening, Art Auction and an early morning Hautapu karakia. Again, we will send more information out regarding events and timings.
Kia pai tou wiki!
Ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa
Whaea Rae
Along with disallowing cell phones and IT devices from being used in Kura (unless part of a lesson and allowed for learning by Pouako) another Government policy being measured is Student Attendance. See below:
The Government has set a target of 80% regular attendance each term by 2030.
Attendance is linked to both student wellbeing and to attainment. Ministry of Education insights studies show that attending Kura regularly is, on average, associated with more positive wellbeing outcomes. Attendance is also linked to student attainment especially in secondary students.
Although we have a good attendance rate across the Kura, it can be better. Our attendance across both sites is usually around mid-high 70s.
We understand that there are valid and important reasons for ākonga to be out of school at times and this is ok but please let the tari know when and why your child in absent.
Tari Year 7-13 ring Whaea Jackie: (09) 955 9996
Tari Year 1-6 ring Whaea Sam: (09) 438 8033
Automated text notification of absence
We will be reinitiating our automated text message system for absences starting next week. If your child is marked with an unknown absence in the morning on an automatic text message will be sent to the primary caregiver to notify them. You can either reply to this text or call the office with the reason or more information.
Paenuku Wānanga
Paenuku Huhua
E aku iti, e aku rahi, e aku whakataparahi ki te rangi, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Tenei te mihi whanui ki te hunga kua riro ki te kāpunipunitanga o ngā wairua, kua mihia, kua tangihia rātou, no reira ko te whakatau noa ake, ko rātou ki a rātou, ko tātou ki a tātou. Hoki mai ano ki a tātou te hunga ora, te hunga e pīkau nei i ngā āhuatanga o te ao kikokiko nei, tēnā tātou katoa.
Te matahi o te tau
Matariki Hēri Kai
E tū tupuanuku e
Tiritiria te oneone
Kia matomato ki raro
Ka tīnaku, ka tupu ka tāmaota ngā marae e…
Ko te kūmara, e ko te kūmara
I reka ai e!
Te Tai Tokerau Manakuratahi
Kapa Haka 2024
Takiri mai te ata, ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea
Ki rite mai e, kia rite mai e…
Haramai ra te whakateetae o Te Mana Kuratahi ki te Tae Tokerau
Kua timata mai ngā kapa haka e ki ngā teina o te Kāpehu Whetū whanui.
Ko Mangoroa (5&6) me Paetata ko piritahi nei
Toitū te Taiao
E ako ana mātou ki te whakahou hanga kākahu.
He aha te kākahu rērere?
He mea nui, kia mutu, ā,
kia kore e riro nei ngā kākahu taratara o te ao,
ki roto anō i a Papatuanuku
Poitukohu – Matua Herb mā
Ki ngā pukenga nui o te poitukohu, e kōkiri tonu ana ngā tuakana ki ngā akoranga matua a Matua Herb me tana tira, whakapiki pukenga.
Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Māori… Nā Tā Himi Henare
Total Immersion – As many of you know, our kura is toal immersion Māori at Paenuku. We ask that when whanua are on site, that only te reo Māori is spoken as much as possible. We understand that not all whanau are able to understand or kōrero Māori, however we do encourage you to attempt basic words and sentence. Of course if you are needing to speak to staff, please speak to the Kaiako away from the students. Please refer to our TKW Paenuku page for Te Reo Māori courses and opportunities.
“Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu”
“Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence, and growth for future”
Whats been happening this week?
Wiki Tuaono
Tēnā tātou e te whānau, nau mai ano ki to mātou karere mo te wiki tuaono.
During our 6th week at Te Kāpehu Whetū, we explored the significance of the Matariki star Ururangi. Two students accompanied Whaea Petina to the National library to discuss navigational techniques and 3D waka building.
Highlights of the week included a platoon challenge in table-tennis and a 3-point shootout between Tui, Mako, and Katipo.
Paetwahiti’s ICT classes have been going really well, alomg with Paetata’s Hundertwasserrt classes. We also have matua Mohi starting starting as kaiawhina in Paetata, and the beginning of AIMS games training for Paetata is in full swing with Staff Louis, Matua Mohi, Whaea Kay and Matua Wiremu.
Kia ora e te whānau!
It’s been a short week and it’s good to have our ACAD ākonga back in Paerangi after their time away in Italy and Greece.
ACAD students have shared their wonderful kōrero with their peers and teachers. It has been awesome listening to their highlight of their trip as well.
Student report are being generated and will be dispersed to your whānau for perusal within the coming weeks.
Just a note to remind Paerangi students that it’s important that they maintain good working habits and complete all required assessments.
Ngā mihi, Matua Ropata
Leadership Academy of A Company
Make sure you follow the Leadership Academy of A Company Facebook page for all the updates and photos of this outstanding haerenga.
Leadership Academy Facebook Page
See Calendar for Key Events
Te Kāpehu Whetū has worked with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures.
The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and align with the National Education and Learning Priorities. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our school board has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented.
We invite you to visit the site at School Docs
We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.
To do this we commit to success in all its forms:
Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.
Raewyn Tipene
Important Dates
See Calendared Dates