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Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū

I’ve been back at Te Kāpehu Whetū for 18months now and I am so proud of what we have achieved in that time. I was asked to come back onboard to assist with the merge of our two Kura We have all worked hard to build a kura where the ethos was about our culture, our mahi and our futures: Kia Māori…..Kia Mātau…..Kia Tū Rangatira Ae!!

Every week our staff create a safe but progressive environment
Every week our staff create opportunities and possibilities
Every week our staff challenge our ākonga and they step up
Every week I am elated to see our growth and development
From Paenuku to Paerangi our ākonga are stepping into their own….makes us so proud.

When I arrived back 18months ago
– our ākonga wouldn’t do waiata tautoko now they are back performing at regionals
– they didn’t like to be seen …now we are back at Manu Kōrero and Pū Korero
– they didn’t like doing exercise….now we do fitness every day…and it shows
– they didn’t want to run and then we did Iron Māori and our teams are winning
– organising anything was a mission….now we are pulling off events like Matariki week
– there were some extreme behaviours…now they’re respectful, delightful but still haututū
I think sometimes we forget how hard it has been and how far we have come….

We still have a term and a half to go, with Kapahaka regionals in November, where we are putting up a primary and intermediate team wooohoooo. We have NCEA to knock off, some already have
and let’s not forget UE Year 13 Girls!!! We have a new focused curriculum to integrate and of course we will be sending teams down to Iron Māori Tāmaki!!!

What next???….over the next little while I’ll be turning my attention toward 2025….I am going to find ways to get more whanau input from surveys, to coffee drop-ins, to whanau hui. We need feedback, input, ideas, thoughts, dreams and of course help!! …..because we are: “Te Kāpehu Whetū…..Navigating Māori Futures”
Enjoy our Panui..

Kia pai to wiki!

Ngā mihi
Whaea Rae



Ko Te Waiaro Mauritau
Ko te aro ki te whakatau i tō āhua, i ōu kare-a-roto hei tutuki atu I te whakaaro nui, te whakaaro rangatira a tētahi atu. e more te kūmara e kōrero mo tōna ake reka

Tū Ahiahi Meremere – He nui ngā awenga

Paenuku Wananga</strong
E pakari ana nga teina ki ngā mahi a ringa me nga kupu waiata ki te ao haka

Ako a kapokapo
Te noho tau, more neke, te kapi karu, kia ha ki roto kia mauritau te noho he ako kupu kore kitea!

Te kori tinana
Ko te kori tinana tētahi mahi rangatira hei rauora nei I a tātou. Whueeee!!!


Te hokianga mai a hoiho
Nau mai hoki mai a Hoiho me tana kapa whakaari. E mihi nui ana ki a Maioha Allen me āna kiripuaki, I whakatauhia I ngā uaratanga o te manaaki, te tiaki me te aroha a tētahi. Ngā tino uara!

Mā te tuakana, ka ako ai te teina, mā te teina, ka tika ai te tuakana
He maha ngā kaupapa ka arahi nei ngā tuakana i ngā teina o paenuku. Anei tetahi o ngā uara tuakana, teina ka mahi tātou!



Week 4 Term 3
What’s been happening this week?

Wiki Tuawha
Kia ora e te whānau, nau mai ano ki tēnei wiki pukumahi rawa no mātou nei o ngā whare Tuakana.

this week paetawhiti had the opportunity to experience and work alongside the kauri ora team, around the importance and connection of rākau kauri, tohorā and whenua kaitiakitanaga.

paetata took part in an interschools basketball competition at Mckay Stadium, where our whare got to pit their basketball skills against other kura in and around Whangārei.

we had several ākonga from paetata and paetawhiti whare take part in pū kōrero which took place in Kaitaia at Te Ahu.

Kauri Ora
Paetawhiti had the opportunity to do some exciting mahi alongside the Kauri Ora team. Together we can protect Kauri. To preserve Kauri for generations to come, we need to give them space to grow. That’s why 10 rules have been introduced as part of a National Plan to protect kauri from the pathogen that causes kauri dieback disease.

Pū Kōrero
Pū Kōreo, was held in Kaitaia at the beginning of the week and we had several ākonga to stand and deliver thei kōrero. We would like to acknowledge each of our ākonga who took part.

Career Expo, taking place week 7 in Paetata and Paetawhiti where, creating opportunities for our juniors to see what future careers they can venture into.

Futures trade day, for year 10s Friday 23 August

Beast Run, Paerangi whare will be taking place in Paihia

Hui Whakapiki, taking place week 7, your pouako will send out emails to confirm your time


Nga Pu Kōrero O Apopo

Tēnā koutou katoa!

It’s been a busy few weeks at Te Kāpehu Whetū Tuakana with ākonga competing at this year’s Ngā Pū Kōrero o Apopo speech competitions held in Kaitaia on Wednesday.

This speech competition is run by the Māori Women’s Welfare League and happens every year, with top place-getters representing Te Tai Tokerau on the national stage later in the year.

Our three ākonga who competed were Moanarua Natanahira, Natalie Maihi-Hansen, and Tyrecce Tuhiwai Wharepapa. Each student spoke with eloquence, mana, and vibrancy, addressing issues pertinent to them as students and as rangatira o āpōpō.

Each kōrero was a story that needed to be told, and it was easily relatable to the judges and those who were listening. Moanarua placed 2nd in the junior section, Tyrecce also placed 2nd in the senior tāne section, and Natalie placed fourth in the senior kōhine section. We are so proud of all of you and the effort you have put into learning your speeches and delivering them so well.

A big mihi to Matua Louis, who helped each student with their kōrero. Ngā mihi, Matua Louis.

Ngā mihi, Matua Ropata



This week we celebrate Natalie Maihi-Hansen and Tyreece Tuhiwai-Wharepapa’s stand at Nga Pu Kōrero o Apopo on Wednesday. Both these ākonga have a lot of potential in the speech making area and can hold their own in both Te Reo Māori and English. We are excited to be able to help them along their journey over the next few years.

Ngākupenga Tautari-Herrick and Narima Ramach started their Hot and Cold Desserts course at NorthTec on Friday. Both these ākonga have completed NCEA Level 2 and this course not only gives them a chance for fun and yummy learning, but they are also gaining NCEA Level 3 credits getting a head start for next year. We also have students enrolled in another course in September.

Next week Paerangi are taking on The Beast fun run in Paihia. Our senior kotiro participated in this event last year and thoroughly enjoyed it so are taking on the course again along with some of our tane. Looking forward to seeing the muddy bodies and smiling muddy faces at the finish line.

Nga Mihi,
Whaea Brenda


HAUORA  –  See the Panui PDF for this section View/Download16 August 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB




Along with disallowing cell phones and IT devices from being used in Kura (unless part of a lesson and allowed for learning by Pouako) another Government policy being measured is Student Attendance.  See below:

The Government has set a target of 70% regular attendance for every student each term for 2024

Attendance is linked to both student wellbeing and to attainment. Ministry of Education insights studies show that attending Kura regularly is, on average, associated with more positive wellbeing outcomes.  Attendance is also linked to student attainment especially in secondary students.

Although we have a good attendance rate across the Kura, it can be better.  Our attendance across both sites is usually around mid-high 70s.

We understand that there are valid and important reasons for ākonga to be out of school at times and this is ok but please let the tari know when and why your child is absent.

Tari Year 7-13 ring Whaea Jackie: (09) 955 9996

Tari Year 1-6 ring Whaea Sam: (09) 438 8033

Automated text notification of absence

We have reinitiated our automated text message system for absences starting next week.  If your child is marked with an unknown absence in the morning on an automatic text message will be sent to the primary caregiver(s) to notify them.

Thank you very much to all whanau who have responded to these texts either by replying or contacting the office.  This has made a significant difference to the number of unjustified absences we have.



Te Kāpehu Whetū has worked with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures.

The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well researched and align with the National Education and Learning Priorities. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.

SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our school board has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented.

We invite you to visit the site at School Docs



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendar for Key Events