Nga mihi manahou o te tau hou pakeha, kia koutou katoa
Nei ra nga mihi aroha ki nga ākonga me nga whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū.
E tika ana me poroporoaki matou i a ratou katoa kua hinga i tenei wa, kotahi anake te korero ki a ratou, haere, haere, haere atu ra
Hoki mai nga rarangi korero kia tatou, tena koutou katoa
Kia ora Whanau
Welcome back to Te Kāpehu Whetū – Navigating Māori Futures. 2017 is upon us and it’s going to be a frenetic but exciting first term and year. This year we will be looking to transform not just our tamariki and rangatahi but ourselves through education and community action.
Our starting dates are:
31st Jan – Kura Teina = Paenuku powhiri for new staff and whanau
7th Feb – Kura Tuakana = Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi powhiri for new staff and whanau
We could call this”2017 the year of Kapahaka” as we will be heavily involved at local, regional and national levels.
- Proudly, in the 3rd week of first term, 5 staff and 7 of our ākonga are performing in teams at Senior National Kapahaka Competition – Te Matatini in Hastings. As a result, Paenuku will be closed that week and we are sending all Paerangi (year 11/12/13) and a few of year 6 from Paenuku down to tautoko.
- Back here Paenuku and Mokopuna ECE will be representing us at Te Ahuareka in Moerewa during the term.
- Later in term 1 our Kura Tuakana will attend the annual Secondary Tai Tokerau Kapahaka Festival at Bream Bay College.
- In term 3 our Kura Tuakana will take to the stage for only the second time at the Regional Secondary Kapahaka Competition.
- Finally, in term 4, Paenuku will represent us in Gisborne at the Primary Kapahaka Nationals Competition.
Some basic information for Te Matatini and the Paetawhiti hikoi is provided in this panui with full details coming home on first day of Kura Tuakana, the 7th Feb. Attendance for most of our excursions are compulsory. It is imperative that whanau are aware that this is part of being here at Te Kāpehu Whetū. This is who we are as a kura and these are the things that make a difference. There is a cost to whanau but we are spreading that out over the term. Again, being part of transforming our kids, ourselves and our community requires ongoing involvement, contribution and support. To lessen the financial burden many whanau make a small contribution via automatic payment each week which you can find more information on at the end of the panui.
We did very, very well again in NCEA in 2016, achieving well over the national Māori achievement levels across all NCEA levels and UE. We were also above the national level as well only 3 years into our journey. Exceptional mahi by our ākonga and our Pouako. This year we are looking to lift our results again with a focus on endorsements. Similarly, whanau support for academic education is as important as support for our other curricular. We must all believe it is possible and have high expectations…..then unsurprisingly our ākonga do very well. I am constantly in awe of how our ākonga push themselves and achieve at levels they themselves didn’t think possible. High achievement is becoming the norm here at Te Kāpehu Whetū, as it should be, but it isn’t ‘luck’ or ‘fluke’ it’s a mix of transformative action and sound planning and hard work. We must not take it for granted!!!
Part of transformation is listening to what research suggests. So there are a number of changes this year we are embedding into our format:
- Paenuku (Year 1-6) will remain a full immersion kura. Research suggests that 7 years is the number of years required to embed language
- Paetata (Year 7-8) will have a Rumaki Reo roopu for those ākonga transferring from Paenuku to give them their 7th year
- Paetata will be bilingual for all other ākonga
- Paetawhiti (Year 9-10) is bilingual with a focus on literacy and numeracy
- Paetawhiti year 10s will be mainly split into two distinct groups with our taitamatane (boys) heading over to Cadet Forces and taitamawahine (girls) focusing on strengthening who they are. Again, research shows that it is at Year 10 that Māori children struggle. There is also research that suggests that at this age, to survive school, boys need structure, male role models, more physical activities and less ‘desk’ time. Our own 7 years of experience with the Leadership Academy and last year with the Cadet Forces have proven this time and time again. Most excitingly, this gives us the ability to finally provide a programme designed specifically around strengthening our girls, who are also going through many changes. Their programme will develop with them but will focus on who they are and where they want to be and what skills they need to get there. Mana Wahine will sit at the heart of this programme. Neither our boys or girls lose out academically, these changes are being introduced to heighten their inherent strengths without the distraction of hormonal changes that seem to afflict them at this age. Those whanau of boys who haven’t caught up with Matua Ken Kawiti regarding this shift should do so.
- Paerangi as mentioned above will focus on quality NCEA endorsements this year.
- Along with our three Pou – Kia Māori, kia Mātau, Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – we are looking to further develop learning strands around sustainability, entrepreneurship and critical thinking. More on this throughout the year.
- For whanau, we are looking to introduce opportunities with partners for us to learn across a number of important areas for our own transformation, including Te Reo Māori, finance management, degree and masters programmes. Details are still being refined.
Attached, are further details about key dates and key events. Please contact us at either kura for more information If you need clarification.
Nga manaakitanga,
Raewyn Tipene
Pouwhakarae (CEO)
Powhiri – 31 January 2017
- 8.45am – Current ākonga to be at kura in Number 1 uniforms
- 9.50am – New ākonga to be at kura for pōwhiri in Number 1 uniforms
- 10.00am Pōwhiri start
Paenuku Closed for Matatini 20 – 24 February 2017
20-24 February 2017: As advised in the end of year panui 2016, Paenuku will be closed for Matatini on these dates.
2016 Yearbook
We have one Yearbook for each of our whanau so if you have ākonga across all years you will receive one copy. We have a list of those that have received theirs at the Paenuku Prize giving last year. To get your copy, please drop into the office pick up a copy from Whaea Lara at Paenuku or Whaea Jackie at Paerangi.
Nga manaakitanga,
Nga Pouako o Paenuku
Paetata & Paetawhiti
Paetawhiti Noho Marae
This is an opportunity to utilise the beginning of our year to whakawhanaunga with ākonga and pouako.
While establishing and building relationships with each other, we will begin to embed the kaupapa of Te Kāpehu Whetū and the values of our three pou, while sharing the stories and pride of the 28th Maori Battalion and local history of the surrounding areas.
- Date: Monday 13th Feb – Thursday 16th Feb
- Marae: Kohewhata, Mangakahia road, Kaikohe
- Cost: $100.00
Deposit due: $50.00 to the office by Thursday 9th Feb by EFTPOS, cash or direct debit (if you require a payment set up, see Jackie at the office)
All permission & health forms, gear list & programme will be sent home on Tuesday 7th Feb.
Please come to kura with pens, pencils, rubber and ruler for the first day of kura. All other stationery will be provided by kura in term 1. A reminder will go out for extra items required at the end of term.
Paetata & Paetawhiti will remain open the week of 20th February while Paerangi attend Te Matatini Kapa Haka Nationals.
New uniforms are at the office for those that have pre-ordered. Please see Whaea Jackie if not as there are some spares. Spare sport uniforms are in short supply so you may have to wait longer if you have not pre-ordered. Please wear your Number 1 uniform to the first day of kura on Tuesday 7 February.
We look forward to a challenging, creative and inspiring 2017 year.
Ma te Atua tatou katoa e manaaki, e tiaki i tenei wa
Nga manaakitanga ,
Nga Pouako o Paetata me Paetawhiti
Senior Subject Selection Term 1 2017
Compulsory Subject Selection week will take place in week 1 of Term 1 2017 for senior ākonga.
Course confirmation will be staggered by year groups and will take place with mentors first and then teaching staff. Parents are encouraged to attend with their ākonga. Please note that Year 11 and 12 will now be on the same day, Wednesday 1 February at different times as follows:
- Year 11 – Wed 1st Feb 9.00am
- Year 12 – Wed 1st Feb 12.00pm
- Year 13 – Fri 3rd Feb 10.00am
Te Matatini 2017
2017 is the year for Kapahaka in Aotearoa and will start with all Paerangi ākonga attending Te Matatini for their hikoi. We have 5 staff and 7 ākonga in teams representing their whanau and Te Tai Tokerau at the bi-annual extravaganza that is Te Matatini.
Traditionally, the kura takes an annual hikoi at the start of the year with our ākonga and this year we have the amazing opportunity to attend Te Matatini as an important part of our whakawhanaungatanga and to bring the seniors together to set our ground rules and focus them for the year. This will also lead us into the Te Tai Tokerau Festival at the end of Term 1 and the Regional Secondary Tai Tokerau Kapahaka Competition later in the year.
Important Information for Te Matatini Trip 22-25 February 2017
- Students Involved: Compulsory for all y11, y12, y13 ākonga (except those who are already travelling as performers with their groups. If your tamaiti is one of these, please contact the kura to confirm)
- Departure Date: Wednesday 22 February (time to be confirmed)
- Depart From: Te Kāpehu Whetū, Lower Dent St, Whangarei
- Return Date: Saturday 25 February (ETA 6.00pm)
- Return To: Te Kāpehu Whetū, Lower Dent St, Whangarei
- Cost: $230 per ākonga – payments to be made as follows:
Payment 1 = $60: Due by 7 February
Payment 2 = $70: Due by 20 February
Payment 3 = $100: Due by 13 April (end of term 1) - Payments can be made at the front office by EFTPOS or cash or by bank deposit into the following account:
School Bank Account: 12-3115-00936810-01
Particulars: Name of your ākonga
Code Te Matatini
Permission Forms and Information Sheets for Te Matatini will be sent home with ākonga on 7 February, the first day back at kura.
Kura Fees & Automatic Payments
The kura does not charge annual fees, subsidises school based trips and has covered stationery for whanau in the first term of kura.
Please consider making regular payments into the bank account of $5 – $10 a week to cover school trips, uniforms etc. to make it easier on whanau finances. To do this, set up an automatic payment with your bank into our bank account with the following details:
School Bank Account: 12-3115-00936810-01
Particulars: Name of your ākonga
Code Sundry Payment
We send out statements once a term so you can track all charges and payments made.
There are still school shirts that whanau can purchase from the office. Additional PE gear will not be available until later in the term so any ākonga who have not yet purchased this gear can wear black shorts and a black t-shirt until the new supply arrives.
All girls, including our current ākonga from last year, must have the correct black 2 pleat skirt. These can be purchased from The Warehouse for $42.99.
Cadet Forces Polo shirts have been ordered and these should be available for whanau to purchase @ $31.00 each by next Friday 3 February.
Cadet Forces Hikoi 13 – 15 February 2017
The postponed hikoi from January 2017 has been re-scheduled to this date. More details will follow on departure etc. but the previous panui sent is a good indication of the scope and activity that will take place on the hikoi North. A full notice will be sent home with Cadets on 7 February 2017.
Nga manaakitanga,
Nga pouako o Paerangi
Key Dates & Events Paenuku
- 17 – 20 January
Uniform sales at Kura 10.00am – 2.00pm Daily - 31 January
Powhiri for Paenuku at 9.00am, Tarewa Rd - 20 – 24 February
Paenuku Closed for Matatini Nationals PAETATA /PAETAWHITI / PAERANGI - 31 January
Teacher Only Return to Kura
Uniform sales at Kura 10.00am – 2.00pm Daily - 1 February
Year 11 Course Selection Day – 9.00am start
Year 12 Course Selection Day – 12.00pm start
Pouarahi Workshop – 10.00am start - 3 February
Year 13 Course Selection Day – 10.00am start - 3 – 6 February
CANCELLED – Pouarahi Rangatiratanga Noho – Waitangi - 7 February
Powhiri for Paetata/ Paetawhiti/ Paerangi at 10.00am Maumahara on Herekino St
9.00am current ākonga arrive
10.00am Powhiri for new ākonga - 13 – 15 February
Cadet Forces Hikoi – (venue to be confirmed) - 13 – 16 February
Paetawhiti Noho – Kohewhata Marae Mangakahia - 21 February
NCEA Level 2 Biology Field Trip - 20 – 25 February
Paetata and Paetawhiti remain OPEN - 22 – 25 February
Paerangi hīkoi kī Te Matatini - April 3 – 7
Paetata/ Paetawhiti/ Paerangi Hui Whakapiki (parent/teacher interviews)