Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu

Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future”

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Nga mihi aroaromahana o te koanga kia tatou te whanau, e hari e koa ana te ngakau i te mutunga mai o te kaupeka makariri rawa ara te hotoke. Kua rongo katoa matou I nga hihi o Tamanuitera i nga ra kua taha ake nei. Ko te manako nui e noho haumaru ana tatou katoa.

We are at the business end of the academic year and attendance at kura is a priority. As we head into term 4 there will be more information distributed about our upcoming 2020 academic year. We look foward to reconnecting with whānau in term 4.


Maia Cooper – Pouhere (Acting)

Leadership Academy of A Company

A large contingent of Leadership Academy of A Company cadets, staff and kaumātua travelled to Te Hana last Friday to meet with the family of Major Rawson (Ross) Wright of the 28 (Māori) Battalion to formally request his name for the 2020 intake.

The request came as a result of the Academy’s Tour to Italy and Crete in April for the 75th Commemoration of the Battle of Cassino when they met up with some of the Wright family who had also travelled there for the commemoration events. Chief Cadre Luke Aekins said “It was meant to be our meeting with the Wright whānau in Italia. They talked to us about the battle at the Cassino Railway Station and their father’s role in that battle and it dawned on us to ask the family for the next intake. He tohu tēnā!”

After talking with the whānau it was agreed to meet with them all so the Academy could formally ask for the name for the 2020 Intake and answer any questions that they might have. After a long and fruitful discussion the family unanimously agreed to the Academy request to name the 2020 Academy intake after him.

Selection Course, badging of the new intake and ANZAC Day service in 2020 will be held at Waitangi and will be one of the most important events on the Academy calendar. It is envisioned the Academy will send an invitation to all nine previous intakes to participate in recreating the march of the Battalion from the lower Treaty grounds to the Whare Rūnanga before they left Aotearoa.

Key Dates

  • Oct Tarai Waka @ Hihiaua
  • 18 Oct Te Ahuareka o Ngati Hine
  • 31 Oct School Photos
  • 2 Nov Tuia 250
  • 2 Nov InnoNative Market
  • 8 Nov External Exams Begin
  • 31 Oct School Photos
  • 3-8 Nov Spirit of Adventure Voyage
  • 4-8 Nov Te Mana Kuratahi Kapa
  • 15 Nov Graduation Dinner
  • 23-30 Evia Waka Ama
  • 25-29 Nov Junior Volleyball Nationals

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2019

“Ko te reo te kākahu o te whakaaro te huarahi ki te Ao Tūroa o te hinengaro. Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Māori.

Language is the cloak cast by our thoughts that create pathways into the world. The Māori language is the ethos that embodies all that it is to be Māori”

– Tā Himi Henare

Ko te whainga o te “Wiki O Te Reo Māori” kia whakapiki te reo, kia whakanui, kia tupu ake ai i ngā wāhi katoa. I runga i tērā i tae mātou o Te Kāpehu Whetū ki te tautoko i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira. I hīkoitahi mātou me te hapori whānui o Whangarei Terenga Paraoa, o Te Tai Tokerau hoki mai i Te Whare Puakpuka o Whangarei ki te Whare Wānanga o Hīhīaua. He ataahua te nohotahi o te tēina me ngā tuākana. I puta mai te ihi me te wana o ngā taitamariki katoa. I puta mai hoki te manaakitanga, te aroha o tētahi ki tētahi me te wero kia kore tātou e wareware he tino taonga tō tātou nei reo rangatira. Ka nui ngā mihi ki Te Kura Tuarua Mo Ngā Taitamawāhine O Whangarei Terenga Paraoa mo te manaakitanga me te whakaaro rangatira kia whakatū i tēnei kaupapa tino whakahonohono.

Whaea Lucille Spring

Rata International Waka Symposium

Three ākonga from Paetawhiti will be participating in a month long waka building kaupapa, the ‘Rata International Waka Symposium, which will be taking place at Hihiaua Cultural Centre. The aim of this kaupapa will be to introduce these young men to the world of whakairo.

They will be learning about how to maintain, lash and carve a waka taua and all of the tikanga involved in that process. Three other crews will also be participating from Hawaii, Tahiti, including our own whānau from Muriwhenua.  This is an opportunity for these young men to engage with our rangatira and tohunga of kaupapa waka.

Na Papa Ralph

 Paerangi Business Studies

Two of our business studies company’s attended the YES Trade Fair recently. As part of their project work their brief was to carry out their business plan and activity to create a marketable product.

Ka Tupu Foundation; Tasha Perrett & Josiah Gotty-Connolly  Tasha and Josiah designed a range of urban t-shirts and hoodies that aspires to promote suicide awareness and mental wellness.

Takurua Company; Ngaroma Gardner, Opal Wilson & Riria Hepi  This roopu researched, tested and created their own blend of healing Kawakawa Balm. Their efforts also earned them second place in the ‘customer choice’ award. Ka mau te wehi!

Whaea Anna Henare

Y13 Kahukura Programme

A selection of Year 13 ākonga have been participating in the Kahukura programme over the second half of the term. The programme comprises a mix of core academics, physical training and life-ready skills. Ākonga have recently done their first aid certificate and a health and safety course. This will enable them to be ‘work ready’, which will appeal to prospective employers over the summer break. They are also completing the necessary achievement standards in readiness for their 2019 exit plan.

This week our roopu travelled to the far North to participate in the ‘Wayfinding Leadership Programme’ developed by Dr Chellie Spiller, John Panoho and Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr. Seen as a ‘rite of passage’, the Wayfinding Leadership programme helped ākonga learn new skills and strategies to help manage life as young adults, enabling them to feel more comfortable with uncertainty and finding better ways to tackle new or challenging situations. Thanks to Ken Kawiti and Staff Gene Tautari for supporting our ākonga on this journey!

TKW ki Rarotonga – VAKA EIVA 2019

From November 23-30 our TKW Waka Ama team will be travelling to Rarotonga to compete in the Vaka Eiva 2019 competition under the careful guidance of our TKW coach Ralph Ruka. The team is led by  Legacy Rose Parata and Billie Peita. Other team members include; Rana-Jade Henare, Cassidy Nelson, Mowaiva Pou and Te Waimarama Dunn. They have been working hard over the winter period, training in the cold, attending FiT classes and paddling during kura and after kura at Common Grounds Fitness.

Earlier in the year they attended the National Secondary Waka Ama sprint championships at Lake Karapiro. Vaka Eiva is arguably the biggest event on the Cook Islands sporting calendar and the inclusion of paddlers from right across the sunny Pacific region. With a ‘Mapu Vaka’ junior division dedicated to developing future toa moana paddlers. A big mihi goes out to the whānau of these kōtiro for their support with fundraising efforts over the past term. There will be more fundraising happening next term. Watch this space whānau!

Papa Ralph

High Performance Boxing

Boxing is an integral part of our FiT classes and our early morning High Performance training classes. The ultimate aim of these lessons is about getting fit and having fun while learning the basic fundamentals of boxing while following strict health and safety procedures.

There is a possibility of progressing through boxing levels leading to sparring and competitive boxing bouts. The level of commitment and perseverance shown by some of our ākonga is impressive. I firmly believe that we have the making of future New Zealand boxing champions. We are very excited to have this new opportunity to support our ākonga through their boxing endeavours with the soon to be completed boxing ring here at TKW! Tu Hauora!
Staff Kahukura Bentson

Paerangi Pathways Programme

Throughout  the term ākonga have been completing first aid and health & safety courses in preparation for the summer season and job opportunities that might come their way.

If whanau have any questions about what programmes are on offer next term please give Whaea Yvonne Wiki a call at the office – 09 438 4228.

Pathways Coordinator

Whaea Yvonne Wiki

021 607997
09 438 4228

Email: y.wiki@mokonz.co.nz
Office Hours: 8.00am to 4.00pm

Term 4 Reminders

School Photos
On Thursday 31 October we will be holding school photos at kura Tuakana.

Attendance at wā whakarite each day is expected. Whānau of ākonga who sign in late will be contacted directly by Whaea Jackie. Please be reminded that our day begins at 9.00am and finishes at 3.30pm.

Uniform expectations are clear. ALL non uniform items will be removed and returned at the end of the school week. The weather is warming up so encourage your tamaiti to dress accordingly. There are still uniforms available for purchase from the office.

Outstanding Accounts
Whānau are encouraged to make arrangements with the office regarding any outstanding accounts. Time payments are encouraged in advance to cover any travel, sporting costs that may be incurred over the academic year.

Kura Office

Administration Officer
Whaea Jackie Henare
09 438 4228

Email: j.henare@mokonz.co.nz

Office Hours:
8.00am to 4.00pm