Pānui ā Kura – 11 May 2024

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“Hari ra ngā māmā katoa”

To the backbone of most whanau….we wish all our māmā a beautiful day 

Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū…..

Again, we had a full week of action an activity. From

  • Visits to Waitangi to reinforce our learning of Te Tiriti,
  • To learning about “Recycle, Restore, Reuse”,
  • To Paerangi representing our Ngāti Kahu O Torongare hapu at the closing statements of the MACA Claims
  • Through to our fantastic Whanau hui Tuesday evening

What a privilege it is to be part of this Kura!!!….and its only Week 2 or is it 3?

This week The Leadership Academy of A Company leave on Tuesday morning to take part in the 80th Commemorations of the Battle of Cassino.  This is the third time the Academy have travelled to Italy and the second time to Crete.  Uncle Pita Tipene will be part of the roopu this year. His father and uncle both fought in Crete and were captured.  At the Whanau hui we acknowledged Uncle Pita for all the support he has given the Academy over the years in his many roles, including as chair of the Waitangi Trust which saw Te Rau Aroha built and the Academy taking a central role in many events.  We all wish our boys, staff and Uncle Pita safe travels and an amazing experience and we will see you back here in Whangarei for your whakatau on the 28th May.

Na Whaea Rae


He ao, he ao, he pō, he pō
Kōrihi te manu, tākiri mai te ata
Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea
Tihei wā Mauriora!

Kia whiti atu rā te nohotahi ki te tuakana ki roto i te whakaaro ki te teina. Nei rā te mihi ki te whakaaro rangatira, te waiaro whakaitio te tuakana ki ngā teina. Tau ke!



Whats been happening this week?

Wiki Tuarua

E mihi ana ki a koutou e te whanau. We have had another busy and productive week across all three of our tuakana whare. Starting off the week with a haerenga to Waitangi for Paetata and Paetawhiti and finishing off a long day with a very successful Hui ā Whānau held in Maumahara. Thank you to all those who were able to make it and also to all of our Te Kāpehu Whetū ākonga who showcased a wonderful display of kapa haka.

Tēnā tatou e te whanau – Week 1 has started and we have a few whare changes for our tauira tuakana. We have moved buildings to better accommodate the number of stidents in each whare.

Tuakana Sports

Interball and Secondary Schools Poitukohu kicked off this week for Term 2. TKW played against some tough teams but showed resilience and determination. A big mihi to all that showed up to represent our kura in each grade, especially our senior kotiro team that showed strength and commitment. Poitukohu will be played every Thursday this term between 4pm and 9pm. Please make sure to get your tamaiti to and from basketball at Kensington each week. The draw will be sent out on the Wednesday. Fees are $25 a term, so if you played last term your fees are overdue.


  • Aims games – Paetata will have another hui regarding Aims games 2024
  • Pānui reminder will be sent out week 3 for next hui and progression updates, we need as much whanau support with these hui so everyone is on the same page



Kia ora e te whanau,

Thank you to all who came to our TKW Whanau hui on Tuesday, having Maumahara packed with past and present whanau and students was a heart warming indication we are moving in the right direction, together.

Earlier that day on Tuesday, Paerangi akonga represented at the Maori Land court at the final hearings for the MACA claims (Marine and Coastal Area) for the inner Whangarei Habour. Paerangi were outstanding in their demeanour and the way they represented Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Tamariki Makaurau Regional Kapa Haka

Pouwhakahaere Paerangi, Matua Ropata, took the stage with Ngā Tūmanako on Saturday. A crowd favourite, with a commanding presence and mana they performed outstandingly, like true champions. Matua Ropata was part of the roopu who took out Te Matatini in 2019 and got to represent Aotearoa and Kapa Haka around the world. It was clear from the performance that Matua Ropata is still in his element performance Kapa Haka on a large stage. Koe tonu a runga!

Leadership Academy of A Company

On Tuesday 14th May our ACAD boys and staff are heading off to Italy and Greece for the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino and to the site of the Battle of Crete, two campaigns the 28 Māori Battalion were a crucial part of.

At least 17 A Company soldiers lost their lives during The Battle of Crete, 20th May 1941- 1st June 1941 and many more were injured and/or made prisoners of war. One of those who lost their life was Captain Harding Leaf, our 2013 Intake namesake. His body has still not been recovered.

Of all the battles involving the 28 Māori Battalion, none were more brutal or costly than the Battle of Monte Cassino in early 1944. The railway station was a significant target, destroying the axis method of transportation would help the allies campaign significantly. On the night of 17/18 February 1944 the Māori Battalion successful attacked the railway station being the only NZ Battalion able to cross the flooded Rapido River, but the supporting tanks were unable to get through, so they were forced to withdraw. A and B Companies suffered major loses with over 120 of the 200 men killed, wounded or captured. (8 A Company soldiers lost their lives)

Although our boys know these stories, the knowledge, depth of understanding of the sacrifices, the importance of the 28 Māori Battalion, their mana, strength and courage, and the importance of honouring their legacy will be truly understood and engrained by standing where their tupuna stood.

We wish them all the best on this important haerenga. Represent the 28 and A Company with pride and honour.

“Give me a Maori Battalion and I will conquer the world.”
Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, the famous Commander of the German Afrika Korps


See Calendar for Key Events


We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 4 May 2024

View/Download4 May 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,


Firstly nau mai, haere mai ngā whanau hou.

We welcomed our new whanau and ākonga last Monday at Maumahara.  On Thursday many of the newbies were off with Paenuku to Waitangi to learn more about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Rua Tekau Ma Waru.  A good foundation and start for ākonga at our Kura.  It reinforces all the learning done by Paenuku in Term 1.

This Tuesday, 7th May, Paetata and Paetawhiti are also off to Waitangi and then Tuesday evening we will be holding our Term 2 Full Whanau Hui at Maumahara

The Whanau Hui starts at 5.30pm.  We will korero about:

  • The Academy’s trip to Italy in one weeks’ time
  • The learning programmes each Whare will be offering
  • And for those who weren’t able to make it to Okaihau our Tuakana will do their kapahaka bracket.
  • Paenuku will also do a small bracket…….

So I hope you all can make it!!

It is our plan to produce this Panui at the end of every week to give whanau a glimpse at the variety of mahi our Kura and ākonga do.  It is important to us that we share these experiences with you and you get to be part of the development and their journey.  We are also working on streamlining our communication to whanau to make it easier to see messages and information….more on that later!

Lastly, Poitūkohu competition at Kensington Stadium, for Paenuku starts back this Wednesday 8th May.  We are still waiting for the timetable from the organisers and will get this out to you once we receive it.  Plus a little change,   All Poitūkohu training is during Kura hours, making it easier for whanau.

Kia pai tou wiki
Whaea Rae



Nau mai, hoki mai ki te wahanga 2, 2024

Powhiritia e te iwi, nau mai e ngā whānau hou ki te pae ā nuku, ki te pae ā rangi, paetata, paitawhiti e!

I te rā tuatahi, i haere etahi ākonga ki te whakatau atu i a Papa Morore ki Whangaruru. Kātahi ko te rā ataahua ki Ngāti Wai ki uta, Ngāti Wai ki Tai. Kia turuki atu ki ngā awenga nui a nga rangatira!

I hoki ana mātou ki ngā mahi rangatira ki a huhua nei a Paenuku


Ko Te Piko O Te Māhuri, Tērā Te Tupu O Te Rākau

The way in which the young sapling is nurtured (bent), determines how the tree will grow

Poitukohu – Pakipaki mai Waitā pai… Hūteki tū mai a Nuku!

Kua hoki mai a matua Herbie me āna ruanuku poitukohu, hākinakina hoki. Hūpekepeke, hūoioi ngā akonga ki ngā whūwhunga ā ngā pukenga hōu! Paenuku HĀ!!

Haerenga ki Waitangi

He hokinga mahara, kia puāwai ngā hihitangaa o matua tūpuna. Ki a whakaara ake ngā akoranga a te tiriti o Waitangi. Ki a kikī ake, ki a rahi ake, ki te hunga o te āpōpō!


Nuku ana Māui
Nuku ana Matau
Waitā ki tai
Waitā ki uta
Paenuku Hi, Paenuku Ha!

Welcome back! Hopefully everone has had an awesome break and now ready to rock term 2. We have a few things coming up over this term. Firstly our Basketball in School programme has started back with a bang.

Poitukohu at the Kensington Stadium will start back next week Wednesday 8th May 2024. Th draw is still to come out. Once qe have the information a panui will be sent out via our Poitukohu facebook page and email to the whanau with tamariki playin in one of our teams. Should any game be at 3.30pm the kura will organise the kura van to transport that team to the stadium. However, all times after 3.30pm it will be the responsibility of the whanau to get your tamaiti to the game. Reminder that whanau need to collect their tamaiti/tamariki after their game has finished. We are also lookin for a coach for our Nuku team if anyone out there is interested please come and see us at the kura.

Winter Sports is coming up on the 29th May 2024. We have entered teams in Poitukohu and Table Tennis. Please keep an eye out for updates, as we get closer to the tournament.

Rippa Rugby Festival is also coming up. There are two different dates for this tournament. Years 3/4 – 4th June at the Northland Rugby Union – Pohi Island, Years 5/6 – 12th June at the same venue.

We have entered teams into this festival, as above information will come out closer to the dates so please keep and eye out.

What to look forward to:

  • Poitūkohu
  • Winter sports
  • Rippa rugby


  • Games for PoitūkohuWednesday 8th May (times to be confirmed)
  • Fees are due for those in our teams
  • Waita have training Monday after kura with Wahaea Josephine
  • Water bottles and non-marking playing shoes are a must for games and black shorts no pockets for games
  • Send PE uniform to kura every day



Whats been happening this week?

Wahanga Tuarua

Nau mai e ngā hua kua whakatipu pai ai ngā kākano mō apōpō.

Tēnā tatou e te whanau – Week 1 has started and we have a few whare changes for our tauira tuakana. We have moved buildings to better accommodate the number of stidents in each whare.

Paetata (years 7-8) 183 Lower Dent Street
Paetawhiti (years 9-10) 177 Lower Dent Street
Paerangi (years 11-13) 173 Lower Dent Street

He rarangi maunga
Tū te ao, tū te pō
He rarangi tāngata
E hinga nei, e hinga nei
Toitū te whenua

Term 2 Kaupapa

Term 2 will be a very busy and productive time of learning and exploration for all of our whare.

With Matariki coming up at the end of this term,. we have based a lot of our kaupapaand curriculum links araound ngā kāhui whetū, Matariki, Puanga, Hautapu, Art exhibitions and an exciting celebration brining together all of our learning at the end of this term.

We start each term with RFL (Required fitness level) which sets the fitness level of each student and then reassessed at the end of the term to see if their pace & strength have improved.


  • Basketball starts next Thursday 9th May for secondary and intermediate
  • Waitangi trip Tuesday 8th May – Paetata and Paetawhiti
  • Whanau hui – Maumahara 5.30pm – 6.30pm, Pouako to discuss what is coming up this term for each whare



Kia ora e te whanau,

Welcome back with a very busy start to Term 2. Its business as usual for Paerangi focussing on our NCEA assessments and future pathways once ākonga are ready to leave school.

It is vital that all ākonga are at kura this coming week as it is the last full week the ACAD boys are in classes before they head to Italy. All ākonga have assessments due Week 3, regardless of whether they are travelling or not, for example Level 1, 2, and 3 have their Te Reo Tuhituhi assessment due. We all be sending out credit summaries once these assessments are in.

  • Arrive at kura on time
  • Stay for the full day. Do not leave before 3pm
  • Correct uniform
  • No phones or ear/headphones
  • Healthy kai only
  • Respect each other and kaimahi
  • Correct PE Gear every day

Lastly we would like to extend our condolences to the Aekins whanau on the passing of their mama. The Aekins have been a big part of the kura and ACAD since its beginnings, with Chief Luke and all 3 children, Caleb, Killarney, and Anahera being students of TKW. Aroha nui.

Na Whaea Brenda


See Calendar for Key Events


We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 28 April 2024

View/Download28 April 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū, 

Tenei te mihi ki a tātou katoa, e hoki mai ana i raro te korowai o Te Rua Tekau ma Waru, ngā pou e toru, me te tohu o Te Kāpehu Whetū.  Nau mai, hoki mai ki te wāhanga tuarua….

And like that we are back for Term 2….

We All start tomorrow at Maumahara with a powhiri for new ākonga, whanau and staff.

  • Current ākonga to arrive by 9am at Maumahara (46 Herekino St)
  • New ākonga, whanau and staff to arrive at 9.30 and wait at the tree by the gate.

Not all had a chance to rest.  A number of staff spent Week 1 holidays, working on new learning approaches, getting rooms ready and sorting programmes for Term 2.  Thank you!

Then there were the Academy staff who spent most of week 1 prepping for the Academy programme and ANZAC Day in Week 2.  Kia ora Staff Louis for leading the process for us.

And then Matua Rua who was in and out sorting details and plans for our Kai Iwi Lakes team.

I was saying to Whaea Petina today, that success comes down to staff who won’t accept ‘mediocrity’ as the norm….we are fortunate that we have staff who go all out for our tamariki and ākonga, putting huge effort, personal time and aroha into their mahi…..ngā mihi!!!

Lastly, I wish to acknowledge the passing of Chief Luke’s wife and the mother of Caleb, Killarney and Anahera, all three have been part of either our Academy or Kura.  A roopu from Academy and TKW will attend her tangi on Tuesday.

E te whaea Kimberly, haere atu ra
Haere ki te kaihanga, haere i to moengaroa, kei reira mou te okioki
No reira moe mai, moe mai, moe mai ra.


Nāku Na,
Whaea Rae

Leadership Academy of A Company

Promotion Course

Monday 22nd – Thursday 25th May saw the current ACAD cadets immersed in a first rate promotion course.

The purpose of the promotion course was for the cadets to gain better understanding around the role of the ACADEMY in terms of the legacy of the Māori Battalion, with TKW and as part of their life and future. The cadets learnt about the different ranks, the ranking system and the criteria required to achieve their future ranks. They also prepped for ANZAC Day, the Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon (where they performed outstandingly!) and the upcoming haerenga to Italy in May.

On Monday, once settled at Tauwhara Marae the Academy headed to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds to lay the crosses for the Field of Remembrance. Over the last few years ACAD have been privileged with this task to erect a cross for every Māori Battalion Soldier who died during World War 2. This was performed with precision, honour, and respect.

The Cadets spent Tuesday working towards their next rank under the three pou, Kia Māori, Kai Mātau, Kia Tū Rangatira Ai. In the evening they hosted Academy Old Boys for dinner with the Old Boys sharing korero about their time in ACAD and how it has helped them in life well past leaving high school. It was an excellent evening of whakawhanaungatanga and we hope to have more occasions where current and ex cadets get together.

Wednesday saw the ranking assessments under the three pou as well as RFL testing and the NCO’s gained understanding of the levels of drill commands. Staff Louis was greatly impressed with all cadets as they all passed all aspects of the RFL and completed the 2.4 run in 12 minutes or under.

Wednesday Evening

The cadets marched out at Maumahara on Wednesday 24th. Acknowledgement of the mahi over the last 3 days was had, ranking presentations and acknowledgement of top cadets from the course.

Jahris Hoori – Cadet to Lance Corporal
Jerome Paki – Cadet to Lance Corporal
Julius Tipene – Cadet to Lance Corporal
Tyreece Tuhiwai-Wharepapa – Lance Corporal to Corporal
Kahuroa Hohipa – Lance Corporal to Corporal

Corporals Manawa Armstrong, Kruize Cooper-Brown, Taaku Tai Jackson, Sandreus Shortland were also promoted to Temporary Sergeant and will continue their training in Italy and throughout the year.

Top cadets for the April 2024 Promotional Course

Kia Māori – Kahuroa Hohipa

Kia Mātau – Taihoronukurangi Porter-Lloyd

Kia Tū Rangatiria Ai – Kruize Cooper-Brown

Overall Top Cadet – Tyrecce Tuhiwai-Wharepapa

The 24th April also marked the 1st year anniversary of the Peter Clarke Intake and this was commemorated with the unveiling of his photo in Maumahara with his whanau.

Anzac Day

Tauwhara – Dawn Service 5.00am

Motatau – 10.00am

Waitangi – Dusk Service 5.00pm


Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon – Success

Our kura excelled at the Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon on April 27th, with 5 teams competing across various categories. We secured first place in the ‘try a tri’ division in all three team categories – male, female, mixed.

In the winning team, Kahuroa and Locklynd showcased excptional teamwork. Kahuroa’s remarkable performance stood out as he not only completed the bike leg but also conquered the run leg with determination. Locklynd kicked off the race with an impressive start in the swim, setting the pace for their victory.

Our female teams also excelled, with TKW 2 emering as first-place team winners. Their success was evident from the strong swim performance by Taimana, followed by Petina’s impressive cycle leg where I saw here absolutely flying into the transition area, and finally, Amelia’s sprint finish, securing the win for their team.

In the mixed team category, TKW 5 pulled together, emerging victorious as the first place winners in the mixed category. Myself as a last minute entrant, managed to not drown on the swim leg. Kamala made up time on the cycle leg, and our veteran triathlete Kruize finished by sprinting out of transition like he’d just stolen something and returned to cross the finish line at the same speed, notching up a first palce at Kai Iwi, something he vowed to do since missing out on a victory last year.

Meanwhile Tyrecce from TKW 1 demostrated incredible endurance by taking on both the cycle and the run leg. starting with a brilliant swim, Civier paved the way for Tyrecce’s outstanding effort, resulting in a well deserved achievement for their team.

A special mention for Craeza, Tia, and Atareiti’s team , the youngest team to compete( 2 of them only just turning 13 to be allowed to compete), who also performed exceptionally well. Their dedication and effort contributed to the overall success of the event.

It was an unforgettable experience, supported wholeheartedly by whanau, providing our akonga with strength and resilience for the future. Special mentions to all teams for their exceptional efforts, epsecially to debutants Craeza, Atareiti, Kamala, and Petina. A big thank you to my daughter Caprice for her unwavering assistance throughout the day.

A huge mihi from me to our dedicated supporting teachers, with Whaea Brenda for her organisational efforts and guidance with cyclists, Whaea Karen for her swim coaching and support of our athletes on the day, and Whaea Petina for her invaluable leadership, support and awhi of our competitors. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Whaea Raewyn for her unwavering dedication and support in promotng and championing the triathlon emphasis at our kura. Her leadership and encouragement have been instrumental in fostering a culture of perserverance and resilience in our students.

Next uo – Iron Maori Tamaki, end of Term 3

Mauri ora,

Na Matua Rua


See Calendar for Key Events



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 12 April 2024

View/Download12 April 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,

What a brilliant start to our 2024 Kura year….Miharo!!! Ka Rawe, ngā mahi o ngā ākonga me ngā Pouako o Te Kura…….

Kia Māori – From the initial powhiri for new ākonga and pouako, Week 1

Kia Māori/Kia Tū Rangatira -To Paerangi wananga at Aurere in Taipa, Week 2

Kia Tū Rangatira – Through to the crazy, exciting start of Poitūkohu, Week 4

Kia Māori/Kia Mātau/Kia Tū Rangatira – the Whanau Update hui, Week 4:

Kia Māori/Kia Tū Rangatira – Academy supporting the powhiri at Motatau Marae for the Waitangi Tribunal Veterans Claim, Week 5

Kia Mātau – with learning and academic study continuing right through

Kia Tū Rangatira – Action Matakana in Week 8 (Kōhine) and Week 9 (Tama)

Kia Māori – Te Tai Tokerau Senior Kapahaka Regional Festival with Pouako and OGs

Kia Tū Rangatira – Tuakana attending “School Strike” to stand for their future in Week 10

Kia Mātau – and right through we continued with learning and academics!

Ending the Term at Okaihau College for Tai Tokerau Festival with Tuakana standing and Teina tautoko, demonstrated the kaupapa of our Kura in a massive display of our 3 Pou.


And it’s not over yet!!!

  • Monday 22nd – 24th April: Leadership Academy Promotion Course
  • Tuesday 23rd April: Academy to Waitangi to set up the crosses for ANZAC
  • Thursday 25th April: ANZAC Day Academy attending
    5am Ngawha service
    10am Motatau service
    5pm Waitangi service
  • Saturday 27th Kai iwi Lakes with 5 teams (see later in panui)

To follow in the panui – is a snap shot of the last week of Term 1 from our 4 Whare…….ENJOY!!!

Nāku Na,
Whaea Rae


Te Haerenga ki Okaihau

I haere mātou ko Paenuku ki Okaihau mā runga i te pahi. I haere ki te tautoko i wā mātou tuakana. Tino mīharo ngā tuakana ki te whakamahi i ōu rātou mahi o te Rua Tekau Mā Waru me Te Ao Haka.

Hui Whakanui…nui…nui

E mihi ana ki ngā pouako, ngā kaimahi katoa o Paenuku i tenei wā.

He tohu wkakamana ki ngā ahuatanga ako ki te kura. Ko Te reo Matatini, arā, ko pānui, tuhituhi me te kōrero me Te Reo Pāngarau, ā, ko te mātauranga tau tērā – ko te tatau, ko te tautohu, ko te tapiri, tangi, whakarea, whakawehe. E mīharo ana ki ngā mahinga katoa o ia akonga.

He kapi ake i ngā kōrero, i ngā mahinga o tēnei wāhanga. Kia whakatā nei ki ngā haumarutanga o ngā whānau. Kia tiaki tātou i rung ī ngā huarahi, i ngā hārenga o te wā. Ki hoki ora mai, kia hoki pai mai i nga wiki e rua ka taha ake. Kia noho ora mai e te whanau.

Whakarauora mai Papa Morore

Hoki atu ki te paremata i tō whare. Ko koe tonu tētahi o ngā kaitiaki, ngā kaitataki o te hunga whakahaumanu nei.

Ko te pō ka kitea, ko te au e tere na, E whiti atu ai ki te ora, Whakarau i te puna.

Manu taki ai te ihi, Manu āki ai te wehi, Manu ora ai te wairua, Manu toa ai te aroha

Ko koe tēnā e Papa, Taki mai te mōhio, Āki mai te mohio, Ora mai te māramatanga, Toa mai te mātau, Angitū ai te rauora!


Paetata me Paetawhiti me Paerangi

Ka nui ngā mhi whakamānawa ki Te Kapa Haka o Te Kāpehu Whetū mō tō koutou tū rangatira i te Rāapa. Ko ngā taikaha i te whakūngia ki roto it tō koutou tū. Nō reira, he rangatira nei tō koutou tū. This weeek has been a really busy week with our kapa attending Tai Tokeara festival. All students performed with pizazz, mana and beauty and definitely too the kaupapa of Te Kāpehu Whetū to the stage. We are extremely proud of all ākonga and would also like to thank all those involved in this campaign. Mgā mihi ki a Matua Louis, Matu Gene and Whaea Sam for all their amazing work in helping our kapa prepare for Te Tai Tokerau festival.

Na Matua Ropata

Link for the perfomance on Hiku Media – https://tehiku.nz/te-hiku-tv/te-taitokerau-festival-2024/45573/te-kapehu-whetu


Farewell Whaea Karen

Thank you for all you have done for our ākonga.  They will miss you and as you saw at your poroporoaki they care for you and appreciate the work you have done with them to lift their English literacy.  Good luck at your next school and see you soon.

Heres an example of Whaea Karen going that extra mile for our kids!!!

First day of the school holidays Tyreece is blessed to have whaea Karen give up her time to ensure he has every opportunity to complete his first Level One Achievement Standard. Time given with aroha for our ākonga, before she exits the building.  Jesse also returns to Kura on his first day of the holidays to complete his writing. “I am grateful for an amazing English teacher in whaea Karen. I will miss her helping and pushing me to do my best work” Jesse Tilialo!

Naku nā

Whaea Petina


Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon

Kia ora koutou!

It’s getting close to the first race of our Te Kapehu Whetu triathlon season, with just over 2 weeks until the Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon. It has been especially exciting to see the young talent emerging through Paetawhiti as they have been challenging our Paerangi ākonga for spots in our teams. Students’ dedication to training and commitment to self-improvement has allowed us to select some very competitive teams to compete at Kai Iwi lakes.

We are heading to Kai Iwi Lakes with the intention of winning. We were very successful in this event last year, coming away with 1st place in the ‘all male team’ category. We are looking stronger all around this year so are expecting good things. With that said, the 5 teams to compete are as follows:

Team 1: Te ihi Rameke-Kere (Run), Tyrece Tuhiwai-Wharepapa (Cycle), Cuvier Jackson (Swim)

Team 2: Amelia Randell (Run), Petina Randell (Cycle), Taimana Ramach (Swim)

Team 3: Julius Tipene (Run), Kahuroa Hohipa (Cycle), Locklynd Linton (Swim)

Team 4: Kruize Cooper-Brown (Run), Kamaia Ngapera-Tito(Cycle, Saeiti Reti-latu (Swim)

Team 5: Raihi Leuluai (Run), Tia Moana Edwards (Cycle), Caraeza Jackson (Swim)

Remember that if your tamaiti missed out on a spot in a team, we still have IronMaori Tamaki in Term 3 and IronMaori Napier in Term 4. There is no better time to get training than now, during the first term holiday break. Finally, a massive congratulations to all those who made the squad to compete. It’s going to be an amazing event with lots of competitive fun and personal challenge.  I’ll send out more information later in the week

Ngā mihi Mātua Rua

Whare Hauora @ TKW

Creating Good Habits: A Pathway to Success!

In the journey towards success, cultivating good habits is like laying the foundation of a sturdy building. As we navigate through the year, it’s essential for students to develop habits that will serve them well not just in their studies, but in all aspects of life.

Here are some key tips to help our student’s foster good habits:

Start Small, Aim High: Encourage ākonga to begin with small, manageable habits and gradually build upon them. Setting realistic goals helps in sustaining motivation and prevents overwhelm.

Consistency is Key: Consistent action leads to lasting results. Encourage students to establish a routine and stick to it. Whether it’s allocating specific study times, exercising regularly, or practicing a skill, consistency breeds success.

Stay Accountable: Accountability plays a crucial role in habit formation. Encourage ākonga to share their goals with friends, family, or mentors who can offer support and hold them accountable.\

Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Remind students that nobody is perfect, and it’s okay to stumble along the way. Encourage a growth mindset where mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning and improvement.

Celebrate Milestones: Recognise and celebrate the achievements of students as they progress in building their habits. Whether it’s a small milestone or a significant breakthrough, every step towards positive change is worth acknowledging.

By instilling these principles, we empower our ākonga to become self-disciplined, resilient individuals capable of achieving their goals. Let’s work together to cultivate habits that pave the way for success, both inside and outside the classroom.

Ngā mihi, Matua Rua

See Calendar for Key Events



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 05 April 2024

View/Download5 April 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,

Last Week:

TKW Tuakana took part in the National School Strike 4 Climate march with other students from schools around Whangarei.  They wanted to show their concern about key issues affecting all of us including climate change, the inability for nations to stop the genocide in Gaza and of course the erosion of Te Tiriti…..I couldn’t be more proud of our ākonga, in the end it’s their futures and the futures of our mokopuna at stake.  They stood up and made their voice heard.  Outstanding reps!!

This Week:

Tuesday 12noon

TKW Tuakana will perform their bracket at Maumahara in front of Ngati Wai kaumatua/Kuia and whanau who can make it. This is also ‘Black Out Tuesday’ so all ākonga to wear black so that their Kura uniform doesn’t get paru and is clean and ironed for Wednesday.


Tai Tokerau Kapahaka Festival begins

 11am – TKW Tuakana, in full uniform, will travel through to Okaihau College

4.30pm – Their first performance in the marquee

5.00pm – Their second performance in the hall

TBC – TKW Teina (Paetata) in full uniform, will travel through as well to provide the haka tautoko for their tuakana.


A small group of representative ākonga will return for the 2nd day of Festival
Everyone else will have chill last day of term at Kura




Nāku Na,
Whaea Rae


Te Taumata Nui O Meremere

He miharo katoa ngā ihimanawa a Meremere ki te whakarite i te taumata i tenei wiki. Tū Whiti te Hopo!

Miharo rawa, i tā rātou kaha, ki te ako, ki te mau. Kia kaha tonu tamariki mā, kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.

E ako ana mātou i te Pangarau. E mohio ana mātou ki te rārangi nama me te kaha ki te tuhi i ngā tau katoa ki te 20.


Paetata me Paetawhiti

Te Kāpehu Whetū Hikoi

Te kāpehu Whetū, tuakana had the opportunity to take part in a peaceful protest through the city of Whangārei on Friday 5th April. This was an opportunity for our tauira to be part of Aotearoa history and lending their voices to important kaupapa in a stand of solidarity and unity.

Aotearoa is Rising

This protest was one of many that took place all over Aotearoa and lead by students from a variety of schools far and wide. To unite for climate and social justice, these students were not afraid to tackle some major issues not only happening here in Aotearoa but around the world.

Why are we Striking Today!!!

Rangatahi, who care deeply about Climate and Social Justice – Fighting for Papatūānuku – Toitū te Tiriti – Freedom in Palestine

We were proud to be joined by Te Pāti Kākāriki MP’s me ngā uri o Te Tai Tokerau, Marama Davidson and Huhana Lyndon, where they shared some insghts araound the importance of fighting for justice, equality and freedom.

Northtech Student for a day

Twice a year Northtech invite schools to engage in workshops offering Year 11, tudents the opportunity to experience their 12 and 13 students the opportunity to experience their purpose-built Future Trades Campus in Dyer Street. This gives them and invaluable hands-on experience of training and working in a trades-based career.

On Friday, some of the workshops our akonga were involved in were electrical engineering, automotive engineering, architectural technology and hospitality.

Northtech staff were impressed with our ākonga and they upheld the mana of our kura effortlessly. TKW is “welcome back anytime”



Nuku ana Māui
Nuku ana Matau
Waitā ki Tai
Waitā ki uta
Paenuku Hī, Paenuku Hā!

Waitā nui, Waitā roa, Waitā kaha, Waitā toa!!!
Mihi ana ki a Waitā me te kaha ki te tākoro, te tohatoha me te whai i ngā akoranga o te Poitūkohu, Ki te Pae ā nuku…me te whakarauora i ngā pukenga poitūkohu.

This week we did not have our normal games up at Kensington Stadium due to the stadium being unavailable. However, we were lucky enough to have the team from Tuakana Teina Kaiarahi Ltd come in to kura on Wednesday to work alongside our ākonga and deliver a basketball in schhols programme. It was a beautiful sunny day, all tamariki joined in and enjoyed the relay activities and finished the session with a fun game. Tamariki continue to grow in confidence and their skills and abilities are improving with each session.

Over the Easter weekend, we had Whaea Toni and three ākonga from Paetata and Paetawhiti go down to the annual Aotearoa Māori Netball tournament. Ahahera Aekins and Kowhai Wilson represented Te Tai Tokerau U13’s and Kamaia Ngapera-Tito represented Te Tai Tokerau U15’s. Whaea Toni wa the coach for the U13’s team. Both teams did well while away and all players should be proud of how they represented Te Tai Tokerau.


  • No games for Poitūkohu Wednesday 10th April
  • Fees are due for those in our teams
  • Waita and Nuku will train during school hours
  • Water bottles and playing shoes are a must
  • Send PE uniform to kura every day



Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon

Ākonga from Paetawhiti and Paerangu are gearing up to complete this year’s Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon. Once again we are competing in the “Try a Tri” category which requires a 100m swim, 9km cycle, and a 2km run.

The “Try a Tri” race targets novice athletes who want to try a triathlon but want to ease their way into it. The Kai Iwi Lakes is a fresh water lake making this an ideal swim for those who aren’t fans of the open ocean. For us, it;s a great warm up for the Iron Māori Triathlons in Tamaki and Napier later in the year.

Wednesday RFL testing caused a bit of a reshuffle in the running competitors with new talent emerging and competition for spots in the top teams are fierce. The teams will be announced next week.


Whare Hauora @ TKW

Energy Drinks

Unfortunately these have started trying to creep back into our tuakana space – Wai Māori is the ONLY drink allowed at kura.

Energy drinks have large amounts of caffeine in them. Caffeine is a psychoactive stimulant drug that acts on the central nervous system, alters brain function, acts as a diuretic, and elevates blood pressure and metabolic rate. Adverse effects from caffeine include anxiety headaches, insomnia, irritation of the gastointestinal tract, nausea, and depression.

Many of these energy drinks also have guarana, taurine, ginseng, and / or l-carnitine in them. Despite the claims they can boost energy and mood, they also can come with side effects including heart palpitations, insomnia, headaches, seizures, anxiety, nervousness, upset stomach, shakiness.

Then there is the high sugar content. One small V can has approx 5 teaspoons of sugar, and one Monster (480ml) has a massive 12 teaspoons. Some of our ākonga are having one of these for breakfast!

Please encourage your tamariki to make wise choices when buying their own kai and drink. There is nothing in these drinks they need and the negative effects outwigh any taste they may enjoy.


See Calendar for Key Events



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 30 March 2024

View/Download30 March 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,

REMINDER: Tuesday is a school holiday – Kura back on Wednesday 3rd April

I hope everyone had a decent break over the Easter festive period, and enjoyed some whanau time. We are now into the 2nd to last week before end of Term 1.

At Teina (Yr 1-6) we will finish the Term as we started, having fun and upping our reo kaupapa.

At Tuakana (Yr 7-13) we are into the last prep for Tai Tokerau Kapahaka Festival at Okaihau College.

  • Next Tuesday, 12noon over at Maumahara we will do a run through of our bracket, for our resident senior kapahaka team, Ngati Wai Kaumatua/Kuia. If you are available, please come!!
  • If you can, travel through to Okaihau College Wednesday be seated in the marquee by 4pm

NOTE: This week we are considering Tuakana marching with various roopu to raise awareness for key issues of the moment, likely to impact our mokopuna, tamariki, rangatahi into the future.  We will make the final decision to go after discussing with ākonga and will seek your permission prior.



Our whanau welcomed my mokopuna tuarua into Te Ao

Te Hikuwai Tuwhakaea Niha

“Ko Ngā Pae Tawhiti, Whaia kia Tata. Ko Ngā Pae Tata, Whakamaua kia Tina”

“The potential for tomorrow depends on what WE do today”


Nāku Na,
Whaea Rae



Ka haere tonu ngā whakataetae Poitukohu me ngā mahi akomanga

Ngā mihi nui ki  a koutou kātoa.


Paetata me Paetawhiti

What’s been happening this week?

Action Matakana

This week was the boys turn to venture out to Action Makakana for another fun day of new learning experiences and pushing the boundaries many of them in terms of their own cqpabilities and trusting in themselves to work collectively. Thanks to our staff who attended both of these events with the girls and boys. We look forward to the kaiako haerenga to Action Matakana.

He rārangi maunga
Tū te ao, tū te pō
He rārangi tangata
E hinga nei, e hinga nei
Toitu te whenua


Tuakana have been very fortunate to have the Ngāti Hine Ki-o-rahi team coming in next week to share their knowledge of the game with us. Tauira have gained some new skills, as well as carrying over skills learned from previous years and building on those. We would like to thank Whaea Casey, Matua Richie, and Whaea Brooke for helping us grow and be supported in Ki-o-rahi. Our goal is to get to a regional competition. Nga mihi ki a koutou te roopu Ki-o-rahi nō Ngāti Hine Health Trust.

Kaupapa Sharing

We have been very busy in Paetawhiti with learning coming out of our ears. It has been encouraging to see tauira willing to share their mahi with the rest of the whare. Having our kōtiro of Paetawhiti on the morning taumata, wā whakarite is also a great sign to see that, no matter what, Kia Māori te tū is alive and well in our whare.  Thank you to all our pouako that have been working hard this term to bring invigorating  topics across all tuakana whare. Drills, every Monday with Staff Louis have been very effective. Thank you Staff for being the role model for our tauira in carrying the vision of our kura.


  • Kapa haka practice will be in full force for the last 2 weeks in preparation for Te Tai Tokerau festival in week 11
  • Free 1 hour art classes every tuesday at the Whangarei Art Museum, 10-11am.
  • Retun to school Wednesday 3rd April 2024



Action Matakana

This week it was the tāne’s turn to take on the 3k, 34 obstacle course at Action Matakana.  For an added challenge, not only did they have to take Gerry, the 20-litre container with them but also Harold the truck tyre with neither being allowed to touch the ground for the whole course.

This additional team member did not slow them down one bit, with the first team completing the course in 1 hour 3 mins with the 2nd team not far behind.  Again, the pouako were impressed with the grit and determination shown by all ākonga as well as how well they worked together efficiently as a group, building each other up and thriving on completing the more difficult obstacles.

These opportunities are so important in building a well-rounded, capable, and confident person.  Yes academics, literacy and numeracy, NCEA achievement are important but so are the skills in our ACAD Code of Conduct. TKW is providing opportunities to improve their skills to survive as a successful individual in this world, confidence, commitment, self-discipline, courage, loyalty, integrity, honesty, generosity of spirit and respect.  We encourage whanau and ākonga to take every opportunity provided to step out of the classroom, out of the comfort zone and be challenged

NCEA classes

As the end of the term approaches so do due dates for NCEA assessments.  Ākonga are at varying stages of having their mahi completed and ready for marking.  Ākonga should know what they still have left to complete and some of this mahi can be worked on at home.  At the start of next term we will be sending out individual credit summaries indicating what has already been completed, what is overdue and what is coming up for the rest of the year.


Whare Hauora @ TKW

What’s actually in our food

Chicken nuggets – New Zealander’s love ‘em.  There are a quick yummy snack or lazy dinner.  When was the last time you read the ingredients list on the packet?  You know there are other things in there, like flour to make the coating but the majority of the nugget is chicken, right? A recent survey by Consumer NZ looked at 39 different chicken tenders, patties, and nuggets and found that only 3 of the 39 had 65% chicken in them.  3 of them had less than 40%

It is important to read the nutritional labels of the foods we are buying.  A general rule is the longer the ingredient list, the more processed and less nutritional the product is.  Another piece of advice from nutritionists is if there are ingredients listed that you can’t pronounce or wouldn’t be found in your pantry then its most likely an ultra-processed food, and these come with health warnings.

There’s growing evidence that eating lots of Ultra Processed Foods is bad for your health. Strong associations have been found between high intake and increased health risks, such as being overweight and having obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, breast cancer and depression.

At Te Kāpehu Whetū we are committed to the health and well-being of our ākonga, our whanau and our staff.  Whare Hauora is our attempt to raise awareness, create opportunities and actively pursue a higher level of wellbeing for us all.

Many of our convenience foods we grab on the go now are classified as ultra-processed.  Chocolate biscuits, packet chips, instant noodles, flavoured milks and Up n Go, lollies, snack bars are common UPFs.   If in doubt about what foods to choose, remember – fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and legumes will always be nutritional winners

Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food’  – Michael Pollan

Nāku na
Matua Rua

See Calendar for Key Events



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 22 March 2024

View/Download22 March 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,

On Saturday I was privileged to be a small part of Te Kapa Haka O Te Waerenga Rangi (ngahau roopu) at Te Tai Tokerau Senior Kapahaka Regional Festival.  The whole day was fabulous and a true reflection of Kia Māori, Tākiri Tū Te Kotahitanga, Tākiri Tū Te Mana Motuhake

The term is coming to the end but we still have plenty of mahi on, haerenga and events to attend.

Please see the downladable pānui and calendar for note key dates:


  • This Wed 27th – Action Matakana – Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi tai tama tāne only

Permission forms will be out tomorrow, please get them back in asap.

  • This Thurs 28th – NZEI Union Meeting – Paenuku/Paetata/Paetawhiti teachers out BUT
  • Paenuku – Whaea Lu, support staff and Academy onsite to run a Platoon challenge
  • Paetata/Paetawhiti – Paerangi staff onsite to run the afternoon

(If you prefer to pick up at 1pm feel free to do so)

  • This Fri 29th – Easter holiday – Kura closed


  • Next Mon 1st April – Easter holiday – Kura closed
  • Next Tues 2nd April – Easter holiday – Kura closed – PLEASE NOTE
  • Next Wed 3rd – back to Kura
  • Next Thurs 4thPaenuku WEAP Hui – Paenuku Parent/Teacher evening

Please book time with Whaea Sam to meet up with your child’s Pouako



  • Wed 10th April – Tai Tokerau Festival – Whole of Kura will attend event at Okaihau College
  • Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi to perform at 4.30pm, Paenuku to tautoko

Whanau welcomed to come through to watch also

  • Thurs 11th April – Tai Tokerau Festival – small team to attend last day on behalf of Kura
  • Friday 12th April – TEACHERS ONLY DAY – NO KURA


The 2 weeks School Holidays start

BUT please note: Staff Louis is planning in the second week of the holidays:

  • Tue 23rd/Wed 24th April – Academy Promotional course & prep for Italy
  • Thur 25th – Academy to attend ANZAC at Ngāwhā (5am), Motatau (10am), Waitangi (pm)
  • Friday 26th home for a day then


Matua Rua will be taking 3-4 teams to Kai Iwi lakes

  • Sat 27th April – Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon



  • Mon 29th April – Back to Kura for Term 2
  • Wed 15th May – Academy fly to Italy – for the 80th commemorations of the Battle of Cassino


Raewyn Tipene


Ngā mihi nui te whānau o Hiramatiu mo te mauri a mai i te miere (Honeycomb)

Te Reo Matatini

Reo akonga(student voice) – E tino pai ana ahau ki te mahi i oku mahi reo matatini


Reo akonga(student voice) – He pai ki ahau te ako i te mahi pāngarau



Tino miharo rawa atu te kite i ngā akonga kātoa puta noa i a Paenuku, e whakangingu ana i wā rātou pukennga poitukohu. Ano hoki te kite i ngā matua e tautoko mai ana i ngā tamariki.

Autaea whānau ma.


The Gift of opportunity

Before the tamariki begin their basketbak training Matua Herbie, and his team always give the students time to talk about 3 favourite things. Such as, their favourite food, favourite colour, and their favourite thing that they did in the weekend.

Our pouako at Paenuku find it so enjoyable to hear all the wonderful and positive kōrero the ākonga have to share with each other around poitūkohu. It always sets the mood for positive play and engagements, and we would like to acknowledge the team at “Tiakana teina kaiarahi” and all our wonderful coaches who continue to put in their time and efforts to encourage our ākonga to strive and be the best version of themselves.

Ngā mihi nui ki  a koutou kātoa.


Paetata me Paetawhiti

What’s been happening this week?

Action Matakana

Ngā kotiro from Paetawhiti and Paerangi got to experience thrilling obstacles with a whole lot of team work at Action Matakana. Tauira were putthrough their paces wth each activity testing their balance, strength and endurance. Agreat way to showcase grit and determination as well as having a whole lot of fun through whanaungatanga and manaaki tangata.

Ngararatunua Tuna Survey

As membersof Ngā Kaitiaki o Ngā Waimāori Ngāti Kahu o Torongare had the opportunity to survey oart of Wairua river catchment as part of the annual tuna survey. Te Kāpehu Whetū tuakana were invited to join haū kaitiaki from Ngāraratunua, Te Orewai, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hau, as wellas whānau amd mokopuna to help survey tuna over a 4 day period as well aslearning more about tuna, their natural habitat and their migration process.

Putaiao DNA

Ths week, Paetata delved into the fascinating realm  of DNA with the House of Science Kit, exploring it’s significance in shaping who we are and inravelling the mysteries of life itself. “DNA, the fundamental molecule of life, serve as the intricate blueprint that dictates our biological characteristics and orchestratesthe complexities of existence.

See Calendar for Events



Kapa Haka

Our ākonga have shown commendable dedication and effort in mastering the various items of our Kapa haka bracket. Through rigorous practice sessions, ākonga have been refining their techniques and synchronizing their movements to ensure a cohesive and impactful performance.

Our TKW Kapa haka group will be performing on the first day of the festival, the 10th of April. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and celebrate the richness of our Māori culture with the wider community. The performance promises to be a memorable and culturally enriching experience for both the performers and the audience.

While commendable progress has been made, it is imperative for students to continue practicing diligently to further enhance their skills and polish their performance. Each item in the bracket requires ongoing refinement and mastery, and consistent practice sessions are essential to ensure a flawless and impactful performance on the day.

Additionally, Paerangi students are reminded of the importance of committing themselves to completing all assessment tasks related to Kapa haka. These tasks serve not only as a means of evaluation but also as opportunities for personal growth and development within the cultural domain. By dedicating themselves to these tasks, Paerangi students will contribute to the overall success and cohesion of our Kapa haka group.

Action Matakana

Te Kāpehu Whetū tuakana kōhine set off on Wednesday to tackle the mud, walls, water, planks and cargo nets and came out victorious.  All kotiro gave everything they could and their individual strengths were able to shine.  Each group needed the height of their tall members, physical strength of the tough, the small nimble ones and the critical thinkers who found the most effective ways to conquer the obstacles.

Pouako could not have been prouder of the leadership shown by the Paerangi kōhine.

Our tai Tama Tāne head down this week on Wed the 27th March, leaving kura at 8.00am.

Permission slips have gone home or been emailed to whanau…PLEASE RESPOND

Be on time and wear appropriate gear!!!

Whare Hauora @ TKW

At Te Kāpehu Whetū we are committed to the health and well-being of our ākonga, our whanau and our staff.  Whare Hauora is our attempt to raise awareness, create opportunities and actively pursue a higher level of wellbeing for us all.

Consider this: If we aren’t mindfully active in seeking our own health across Te Whare Tapa Wha, we will struggle to attain the heights we pursue!

Screen time

For 5–17-year-olds, the current Ministry of Health guideline for screen time, (outside of school hours) is less than 2 hours per day.

Excessive screen time is harming our tamariki’s health and well-being.  Screen time is associated with obesity, poor mental health, poor sleep.  It affects children and teenager’s ability to concentrate, decreases their ability to focus and children who regularly overuse technological devices for recreational screen time struggle to regulate their behaviour and emotions.

Some screentime is beneficial and it depends on how the whanau and child interact with the device as to the effects.  When whanau interact with both each other and the screen, use the screen to connect with each other and discuss how to be safe in the digital world there are some great benefits.  The negative impacts are strongest though when children use non-interactive, non-educational media and apps and are just mindlessly watching streams of clips and video without the need to connect with other people.

“Screen use rose rapidly during the COVID‑19 pandemic, and children in 2023 are frequently spending time online, particularly on smartphones. According to the latest media use survey, YouTube and Netflix are the most popular websites for watching programmes, with one in three children under 14 using social media, most commonly TikTok, which is rated R13.” Senior researcher Dr Moira Smith – Department of Public Health

Carving out time to turn off your devices, to disconnect from the wired world and engage with the real people who are all around you, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and the people you love.”

Naku nā

Whaea Karlene



Sending ALL our aroha to Pouako and Pou Awhina who performed this weekend at Tai Tokerau Kapa Haka Senior Regionals…….


Whaea Hari, Whaea Arohaina with Waerenga Te Kaha, Whaea Erana with Waerenga Rangi


UPDATE: The four roopu through to Te Matatini 2025 are:

Muriwhenua, Hātea, Nga Uri o Manumanu, Te Puu Ao – Tau kē!!!



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 15 March 2024

View/Download15 March 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


As you will see from this week’s panui, the Kura is well and truly underway for 2024. Its important to us that we share with you, the mahi we are involved in and the learning taking place. Exciting times!

The kaupapa of this Kura was left to us by our Tūpuna, handed over to us by our Rangatira, blessed with the wairua of the ages by our Tohunga, while the 28 Māori Battalion paid the ultimate price so we could have better lives.  It is important that we not only acknowledge the value of this gift but that we fully comprehend it.  Too that end I remind us that we, the ākonga, whanau and kura are


Launching Māori Futures!!

Our name Te Kāpehu Whetū represents – Charting Māori Futures

The symbolic star compass….guides our enduring pursuit of excellence as Māori

Ākonga at Te Kāpehu Whetū advance  – Through The Four Horizons

Paenuku (Yrs 1-6) -> Paetata (Yrs 7/8) -> Paetawhiti (Yrs 9/10) -> Paerangi (Yrs 11-13)

Mahi is organised around the Three Pou – Navigating Māori Futures

Kia Māori……Kia Mātau..….Kia Tū Rangatira Ai

Be Māori….Be Educated….Be Rangatira


So that ākonga are confident, competent and accomplished

“Tū ki te marae…..Tū ki te Ao”

Each week at TKW is jam-packed with growth, development and opportunities for the majority of the ākonga who have chosen to attend regularly and engage; as we start to bed in our kaupapa through the planning put in place by each whare.  The overall feeling is one of settled, enthusiasm!!

For Kia Māori – At Teina theres the constant, relentless embedding of Te Reo Māori in all they do.  While at Tuakana the mood is palpable, as they prepare for Tai Tokerau Festival at end of term.

With Kia Mātau – Learning and assessments are well underway with a great turnout at the Pouako – Whanau evening at Tuakana last Wednesday and Teina planning theirs shortly.

In terms of Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Both Kura sites have daily fitness regimes to improve the overall physical condition of ākonga and improve their mental fitness in terms, of grit and resilience.          Of course Tuakana is preparing for the triathlon at Kai Iwi Lakes in April….but for an example of how sports can positively impact, look at the effect of Poitūkohu at Paenuku, amazing!!

“Titiro atu ki te taumata o te moana…

Tākiri ko te ata” (Te Ruki Kawiti)

(Look beyond to the configuration of the horizon…..to the breaking of a new dawn)


Raewyn Tipene


Rāhiri mai ki te Kāhui o Monoroa! – Kei runga it Mongoroa e kōpae pū ana!!!

Whakamau ritenga, whakamau tikanga, he kawa whakaara e tuku iho, ko te kōkiritanga a ngā mahi rangatira i te taumata! He Whakaaro Rangatira, he wairua mauritau, he waiora whakaiti… o te taumata whakahirahira

Kaupapa Matua – E ako ana mātou ki te whakahoahoa i tō mātou ake kara. Me whai he tohu rangatira māori nei. Me tohua mai hoki i ngā māramatanga o tō kara.

Na Te Areka rātou Katiaki, ko Puhi e whakaputa ana i ōu rātou whakahoahoa

Te Reo Matatini

E ako ana mātou ki t āta whakarongo ki tuhi kupu, rerenga kōrero me ngā oro-puare. Mahi Whakarongo: E hia ngā a?

  • He honore, he kororia, he maunarongo ki te whenu = 4 ngā a!
  • Mau ana taku aroha = 6 ngā a!
  • Taumarere-herehere-te-riri-te-puna-i-keteriki-te-rere-i-tiria = 4 ngā a!

Te reo Tuhinga – He tuhinga Auaha

E ako ana mātou ki ngā tuhinga auahi – Creative Writing

Te Tuhinga Tautohetohe – Pursuasive writing

E ako ana mātou ki ngā āhuatanga o te Tuhina Tautohetohe.


Nuku and Māui
Nuku ana Matau
Waitā ki tai
Waitā ki uta
Paenuku Hi, Paenuku hā


Mihi ana ki a Waitā me te kaha ki te tākaro, te tohatoha me te whai i ngā akoranga o te poitūkohu.



  • Fees for basketball is $50.00 per child for two terms. All fees can be paid to the tari
  • Appropriate sports shoes to be worn for all games and training
  • Trainings are on Moday during kura time (unless stated differently by the team coach)
  •  Plain blacks shorts, no pockets are to be worn for games
  • Water bottles are a must
  • A parent/adult must drop off and collext tamaiti to the stadium each Wednesday (Please be on time to collect tamaiti after their game)



Vehicle congestion is now becoming dangerous in the carpark and is unsafe for tamariki, mokopuna. If you do not have tamariki enrolled at the Mokopuna Centre, please refrain from using the carpark. Paenuku akonga can use footpath and bridge from Bernard Street. (Access from Maunu Road)


Paetata me Paetawhiti

Koa au te whare, ko te whare ko au

E mihi ana ki a koutou e te whānau whānui o tō tātou kura. Anei tō mātou karere mō te wiki i pahure nei,

What’s happening this week?

Hui Whakapiki

He mihi nui to our whanau who attended our hui Whakapiki this week. It was wonderful to see such a great turnout of whānau supporting the haerenga ako of their tamaiti. we met some new faces and caught up with whānau from previous years. A few key focuss and to share her views on following your dreams, being determined and standing up for what is right. E mihi ana ki a koe e te Rangatira.es were on goal setting for term/year and tauira progression.

Pepeha Presentations

Paetata have had a very intense few weeks learning and researching whakapapa, pepeha and ngā me e hāngai pū ana ki tōku ake. Tauira worked towards presenting their research and mahi to Paetata Whare. We’re very proud of their efforts and grit, to get things done, to a high standard.

Huhana Lyndon

Te Kāpehu Whetū Tuakana were very fortunate to have staunch Ngāpuhi advocate and Green Party member, Huhana Lyndon in, to have a kōrero to our tauira about her time so far in Parliament, the highs and lows of being at the forefront of leadership

Upcoming Events

Paetata will be heading off to Alms games in term 3. There will be an upcoming hui before the end of this term where whanau will be able to attend to get more information about this haerenga. First hui date TBC.

See Calendar for Events



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau.

NorthTec Trade Academies

We have three ākonga enrolled in NorthTec Trades Academies this year.  Raukura Keerako is attending weekly classes in the Level 3 NCEA Cookery Course and Helena Larkins and Natalie Maihi-Hansen are enrolled in the Health Studies Course.  The aim of these academies and courses is to give the ākonga an insight into the industry as well as the preparatory skills and credits needed in the various job sectors to give them a head start when they leave school.  There are a variety of different academies and they are available generally for Year 12-13 students.  Although courses are full for this year if you and your tamaiti think this is something they would be interested in, feel free to contact Whaea Brenda and we can look at future opportunities for accessing and pathwaying.

Action Matakana

TKW Tuakana (Year 9-13) are heading back to Action Matakana to take on the 3km Military Grade Obstacle Course! With 34 obstacles and a lot of mud.  Ākonga will be challenged well outside their comfort zone, but will come out with more grit, determination, and resilience to tackle all challenges they face with knowledge that hard work pays off.  It is also an opportunity for akonga to increase their leadership and teamwork skills and to see that everyone has a part to play and something to contribute to the success of the group.

Permission slips have gone home or been emailed to whanau…PLEASE RESPOND

TKW Tuakana kōhine are starting us off this coming Wednesday 20th March

TKW Tuakana boys heading down the following week on Wednesday the 27th March.


Annual Tuna Survey

This Monday the 18th of March, Te Kāpehu Whetū will be participating in the 2024 Tuna Survey overseen by our local hapū Ngati Kahu O Torongare.

Academy cadets from Year 9 and 10 will be traveling to Ngararatunua marae to work alongside one of our Alumni of Te Kāpehu Whetū and founding cadet of the Leadership Academy Of A Company – Haane Rudolph – Fred Baker – 2011

Alongside Haane, Iwi and local hapu, our Tai tama tāne will learn about mahi in the awa, working with tuna and the protection and preservation of our local waterways.

Permission slips have gone home or been emailed to whanau…PLEASE RESPOND

* Boys please be at Kura at 7:30am *

Vans will be leaving at 8.00 for a 8:30 start at the marae, returning around 3pm

Whare Hauora @ TKW

At Te Kāpehu Whetū we are committed to the health and well-being of our ākonga, our whanau and our staff.  Whare Hauora is our attempt to raise awareness, create opportunities and actively pursue a higher level of wellbeing for us all.  At Whare Hauora we utilise the concept of Te Whare Tapa Wha (Tinana, Hinengaro, Wairua & whanau) as a means to introduce Hauora to our TKW community.

Consider this: If we aren’t mindfully active in seeking our own health across Te Whare Tapa Wha, we will struggle to attain the heights we pursue!

This week: I would like discuss the concerning trend of vaping among young people and emphasize the importance of discouraging your children from partaking in this harmful behaviour.

Vaping, the use of electronic cigarettes or similar devices to inhale vaporized nicotine or other substances, poses significant risks to the health of young individuals. While marketed as a safer alternative to traditional smoking, vaping still carries numerous health hazards, particularly for adolescents whose bodies and brains are still developing.

In 2021 The Asthma + Respiratory Foundation New Zealand in association with the Secondary Schools’ Principals’ Association carried out one of the largest youth vaping surveys in the world.  The Survey included students from Year 9-13.

  • 27% of students surveyed stated that they were vaping regularly And of that
  • 27%, over half felt that vaping was having an adverse effect on their health, but they still continued

Another survey, conducted by the Ministry of Health, found that daily vaping among 15-17 year olds has almost doubled between 2021/22 and 2022/23

“While vaping is often perceived as harmless by young people, there is increasing evidence showing significant health risks. Vaping with nicotine is consistently associated with depression, ADHD and conduct disorders in adolescents, and nicotine exposure has been shown to impact learning and memory.” PROFESSOR PHILIP PATTEMORE PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN

Given the risks, it is crucial for parents and guardians to have open and honest conversations with their children about the dangers of vaping and to actively discourage them from engaging in this behaviour. By providing education, setting clear expectations, and offering support, you can help protect your child’s health and well-being.

See the Public Health Nurse Message in the dowloadable Pānui

I am based at Teina (Paenuku) most Mon/Wed and Tuakana (Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi) Tues/Thurs. I will work with Whaea Jackie and Whaea Petina to gain whānau permission.

Naku nā

Whaea Karlene


Congratulations are in order

NZ Basketball U16 Regionals

Congratulations to Raiha Leuluai and Petina Randell for selection into the U16 Development Team 2024. They have been training twice a week, Monday and Friday at Kensington stadium. Each weekend they will compete in the Auckland supercity competion in prparation for the NZ Basketball U16 Regionals.

Basketball Junior Development

Raiha and Petina have also been a part of the whangarei Junior Development and Northland Basketball “Girls got game” sessions. These sessions are every Monday, 3:30 – 5:30pm at Kensington stadium, open to any kotiro year 8 upwards, and are aimed at growing, and providing a space for kotiro to explore, grow and fall in love with the game bball.

Te Tai Tokerau Māori Netball Team

Congratulations to Kowhai Wilson, Anahera Aekins and Kamaia Ngapera-Tito, for their selection into the 2024 Te Tai Tokera Māori Netball Teams. They have been in trials, training and wananga since the end of 2023. They will represent te Tai Tokerau at the Māori Netball Nationals over the Easter weekend in Rotorua.


For the past 6 weeks Paetata and Paetawhiti have been learning the fundamentals of Ki-o-rahi and extending their skills under the guidance of Whaea KC and Matua Richie from Ngāti Hine. They have gained knowledge and experience in preparation to play against other Kura. We look forward to having some Ki-o-rahi hit outs against Te Kura o Taumarere and Christian Renewal School in the near future to put our new   learning into action



Just sending ALL our Pouako and Pou Awhina who are performing next weekend at Tai Tokerau Kapa Haka Senior Regionals…….


Go hard!!!

Whaea Hari with Waerenga Te Kaha & Yeehaaaaa!!!

Whaea Arohaina, Whaea Erana, Whaea Toni, Whaea Del, with Waerenga Rangi

NOTE: Paenuku, Paetata and Paetawhiti have been invited to take a few ākonga along to hear from Rongo Keene and his story of transformation.  Permissions slips out soon!!



We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


Raewyn Tipene 

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 8 March 2024

View/Download8 March 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


All four of our whare are well into their 2024 programme and everything is going extremely well. Most of our ākonga are in a settled and an engaging space.  As promised at the Whanau Hui last week, we are now calling whanau in to meet Pouako at Hui Whakapiki, starting this week with our three Tuakana whare.  We look forward to meeting with you all.

**Hui Whakapiki**

This coming Tuesday 12th March Paerangi, Paetawhiti, and Paetata are holding the first of their hui whakapiki with whanau so you can come in and discuss the learning and progress of your tamariki.  Paenuku will be later in term.

This will be held between 5.30-7.00pm.  An email has been sent out to book a time with Pouako

If you haven’t received one or haven’t set a time please contact:

All hui will be held at our 3 x Whare on Hihiaua Peninsular.

  • Paetata 173 Lower Dent St
  • Paetawhiti 183 Lower Dent St
  • Paerangi 177 Lower Den St


WARNING: Tear-Jerker!!!

One of the most enjoyable parts of the week for me was being present when Staff Louis brought the Academy Corporals down to Paenuku to work with our young tama.  To see our youngest ākonga engage with the oldest ākonga of TKW, on Academy kaupapa was heart-warming.  They plan to visit once a week with full Paenuku Platoon challenges once a month.  Below I’ve posted (hopefully) a couple of videos for whanau to see the mahi they are doing together.

7 Platoon – Katipō

8 Platoon – Mako

9 Platoon – Tui
Raewyn Tipene


Nau mai, piki mai ki te akomanga o Merermere

Me ngā karakia, ngā hīmene me ngā waiata. Ko ngā tūāhuatanga o Paenuku katoa. Ahakoa ko tenei te wiki Tuarima, e tino harihari ana rātou ki te mau i ngā akoranga Kura, kua tau pai.

E ako ana mātou i ngā arapū Māori, me te ako hoki ki te tuhi pū. E kaha ana mātou ki te ako i ngā tikanga o Paenuku. Miharo rawa, i tā rātou kaha, ki te ako, ki te mau. Kia kaha tonu tamariki mā, kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui.



Tēnā tātou e te whanau

Ko au te whare, Ko te whare ko au

E mihi ana ki a koutou e te whānau whānui o tō tātou kura. Anei tō mātou karere mō te wiki i pahure nei,

What’s happening this week?

Kapa Haka

As tauira prepare for the Ngāpuhi Festival at the end of the term, the intensive rehearsal schedule of three days a week demonstrates their commitment and dedication to showcasing their talents and representing our kura with pride. With guidance from Whaea Sam, Staff Louis, and Matua Ropata, students can hone their skills in poi and haka, ensuring a captivating performance. This collaborative effort not only strenthens the bond within the kapa haka group but also reinforces the values of teamwork, cultural appreciation, and excellence that extend beyond the stage.

Platoon Challenges

Platoon challenges every second Friday provide students with an opportunity to engage in friendly competition, develop essential skills, and strengthen relationships with their teams. These challenges encompass a variety of activities and games designed to test different abilities. By participting in these challenges, students not only enhance their leadership skills but also cultivate resilience.

Pūtaiao – Sciences

House of science has been running in Paetata which allows students the opportunity to experience a range of scientific experiments and projects that focus on the environment. The house of science experiments run in a two week cycle which allows tauira enough time to explore, and experiment.

Aromatawai – Assessments

We have been working on our assessments this term. Assessments cover different learning areas and help us as pouako to see where each tauira is at with their learning and which areas need improvement, support and more attention



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau.

Paerangi is currently experiencing an enthusiastic atmosphere as students are fully engaged in kapa haka rehearsals, preparing for the upcoming Tai Tokerau Festival. As the festival approaches, it is imperative for students to maintain their practice routines and stay updated with the performance bracket.

**Kapa Haka Preparation:**

Students are encouraged to dedicate time outside of regular rehearsals to practice and refine their performances. Consistent practice is essential for ensuring a polished and cohesive performance at the Tai Tokerau Festival. The commitment of each student to their individual and collective improvement will contribute to the overall success of the group.  With dedication, perseverance, and support from staff and caregivers, we can ensure a memorable and rewarding experience at the Tai Tokerau Festival.

**Academic Focus:**

While kapa haka is a significant aspect of school life, academic responsibilities should not be neglected. Students are reminded to utilise all class time effectively to complete tasks and assessments across all subjects. Balancing academic commitments with extracurricular activities like kapa haka demonstrates discipline and time management skills.

**Uniform Expectations:**

Maintaining a high standard of uniform is essential for fostering a sense of pride and professionalism within the school community. It is imperative that all students adhere to uniform guidelines, including proper attire for physical education classes. Consistency in uniform standards reflects positively on the school and reinforces our commitment to excellence in all endeavours.

Ngā mihi

Matua Ropata
Pouwhakahaere Paerangi

Platoon Challenge

This week’s platoon challenge at our tuakana site was volleyball. Once again the sporty Mako came away with first place, extending their overall lead.  Katipo 2nd and Tui 3rd.  Then it was time for the staff vs students game.  It was a close game but in the end the staff came away with the win.  But if you removed the last minute ring ins from the staff team it may have been a different story…..  Overall a great way to end a busy Week 6.


Te Kāpehu Whetū Kaupapa

We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

  • Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
    An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
  • Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
    Encouraging innovation, inquiry, and the development of specialised knowledge/skills
  • Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
    The development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana).

“Ki te kore te putake e makukungia, e kore te rakau e tupu”
If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will never grow

Raewyn Tipene


Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 1 March 2024

View/Download1 March 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Unbelievably we have just completed week 5 of Term 1.  We started the week on Monday with an important kaupapa for the Leadership Academy, who were asked to support the powhiri at Motatau Marae, for the Waitangi Tribunal, who were there for the Veterans Claims Hui. As usual, outstanding representation by our Tai tama tāne, from standing for 1.5 hours during the powhiri process, providing the waiata with our senior Kōhine and helping out back. Very proud of all of you.

During the week Paenuku continued to build our response in Poitukohu (basketball) with our teams now attracting sufficient ākonga to create a third team….awesome Waita me Nuku!!!

We ended the week with a packed house at Maumahara for our Term 1 Whanau Hui.  Hopefully we were able to provide an understanding of what our Kura stands for and how we plan to go forward.  Before the end of term, our 4 whare will hold a “meet the Pouako” Hui so you can get a clear picture of the mahi taking place in the Whare and your tamariki’s progress.

Our 4 Whare = Paenuku (Y1-6), Paetata (Y7/8), Paetawhiti (Yr 9/10) and Paerangi (Yr 11-13)

Raewyn Tipene


Ngā mahi o te wiki nei:

  • Toitū te Tiriti o Waitangi
  • Poitukohu ki te kura ki te Whakataetae
  • He ngakau aroha ki te ako

Kia Hiwa Ra!!! te whanau of Paenuku

Kia ora tātou – Ka ako tonu ana matou i ngā kaupapa pai mō ā tātou tamariki, mokopuna, ara, te Tiriti o Waitangi. I hanga mātou i ngā kara tino Rangatiratanga me te Whakaputana. Ka whawhai tonu mātou mō ake tonu atu.

E tautoko kaha ana matou i a ngai tātou ki te whare miēre a Huhana i tōna korero mo te korenga o te Whatu Ora. Aroha ki a tātou.

E mihi ana tātou ki ngā rangatira a Herbie, Matt me Casey mō a rātou awhina i a mātou ki te kura hei whakarite ngā tamariki mō te whataetae poitukohu ki te whare Hākinakina o McKay. Ka rawe ngā mātanga poitukohu.

I timata ngā tīma e rua ko Waita me Nuku i tēra wiki me tenei wiki anō. Ka toa ngā tīma e rua inanahi. Mihi kau atu ki ngā mātua me ngā kaiako a Poi raua ko Ren ki te awhi i a mātou.


Ka ako tonu a Tūahiahi ki te mau i nga mahi o te taumata. Ētahi e kaha ki te karakia, waiata, te kōrero tauparapara, whakatauki hoki. A te mutunga o te rā ka taea te reo matatini e rere ana mai i ngā tamariki, mokopuna o Tūahiahi. Muari ora, mauri tau.


Tēnā tātou e te whanau

As we steadily reach the halfway mark of our first term, we have seen some really good progress with student learning engagement and whanaungatanga. We have settled nicely into each of our whare and our tauira have shwon some really good commitment towards striving for greatness in all ares of their learning and self development.

What’s happening this week?

Pepeha – Ko Wai au

Ko wai au is a fundamental aspect of knowing who we are and where and who we come from. This week was a reflection of all of those things. Over the course of this term, our tauira will be learning different ways in which they can approach their pepeha and whakapapa connection stories. Each morning we start our day with wā whakarite, which allows a place of safety for tauirato practice and deliver their karakia, tauparapara and mihimihi.

Thank you to whānau who took time to support their child with filling in their tātai whakapapa and pepeha information.

Kia Māori



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau.

“Showing up is half the battle”

A big mihi to all our ākonga who turn up on time, in the correct uniform, positive, and ready for the mahi.  Being in the right place at the right time is a major step in the right direct for success. It is pleasing to see more and more ākonga jumping on this waka.

Thank you to everyone who attended our whanau hui on Thursday. We hope you found the evening informative, and you are confident in the kaupapa and direction of the Kura.  Thank you to Taihoronuku and Kruize for the excellent chef skills manning the bbq and to the tuakana ākonga who looked after and entertained the teina during the presentations, it was beautiful to see the whanaungatanga in action.  If whanau wish to meet with their tamariki’s pouako to discuss their individual plans and mahi please email Whaea Brenda to arrange a suitable time, b.meyer@mokonz.co.nz

Our Kura uniform is looking better, but there are still some areas needing improvement mainly:

  • Shoes must be all black
  • Skirts need to be the Kura pleated style
  • Boys’ shorts need to be fully black and cannot be sport/exercise shorts


Paerangi have fitness class 3 times a week as well as their timetabled PE subject classes.  They need to bring their PE gear every day.  Unfortunately, the state of our PE uniform is not meeting our high standards.  Ākonga are to wear:

  • Either the kura PE shirt or a plain black t shirt
  • Fully black shorts appropriate for sport and movement

Your support in helping your tamariki dress correctly is appreciated.

We have hit the half way mark for Term 1 with just 6 weeks to go.  Every moment of every kaupapa counts so Paerangi ākonga come ready to give your best in every subject, every class and across all 3 pou.

Ngā mihi

Whaea Brenda
Pouwhakahaere Paerangi



Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

As we reach the end of fifth week of Term 1, we are thrilled to share some early highlights from our tuakana Physical Education program. Despite being in the early stages of the term, our students have already engaged in a variety of activities aimed at enhancing their physical abilities and fostering teamwork.

In junior PE (Years 9 and 10), students have been immersing themselves in invasion games such as Ki-o-rahi, basketball, and touch rugby. Through these games, they are learning fundamental skills and strategies essential for successful gameplay. It is inspiring to see their enthusiasm and dedication as they tackle these new challenges.

Meanwhile, our Year 11 students have been delving into the concept of kotahitanga, exploring how unity and collaboration contribute to success in sports and other physical activities. They are beginning to understand the importance of supporting one another and working together as a team.

In Year 12, students are balancing fitness training with personal achievement goals. While participating in invasion games, they are also focusing on improving their strength and fitness levels. It is encouraging to see them set personal targets and strive towards achieving them.

The weather is still very hot and it is easy to get dehydrated while during physical activity.  Please remind your tamariki to bring a water bottle to Kura. Our ākonga are active every day of the week and adequate hydration is ones the most important factors in your child’s education.

Mauri ora!

Rua Paki

Te Kāpehu Whetū Kaupapa

We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

  • Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
    An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
  • Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
    Encouraging innovation, inquiry, and the development of specialised knowledge/skills
  • Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
    The development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana).

“Ki te kore te putake e makukungia, e kore te rakau e tupu”
If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will never grow

Raewyn Tipene


Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


1 2 3 4 5