Mochaccino wins Smokefree Rockquest regionals

Tirama-nuku, Tirama-rangi!
Tiramararama te tini a Uru!
He whetu ururangi!

He whetu uruao, he whetu matarau!
Te whetu o te tau, E Mata e!
Tihewa mauriora!
Mōkori anō kia mihia ngā mate tuatini o te wā e takoto ana i ngā marae huri noa i te motu. Hoki atu koutou ki te huinga o te kahurangi, te mūnga o te tini, o te mano, ā, kāti e moe. Tātou ngā mahuetanga iho ki a tātou.
Tēnā rā tātou katoa.

The end of Term 2 is upon us, and our ākonga are busy completing work before a well earned break. Most have been putting in a lot of effort and working hard to meet deadlines and get their mahi finished. Autahi have almost completed their Toi Māori course at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and have produced some great kōwhaiwhai panels that are now decorating Tapatoru. We have an end of term celebration next Friday and extra courses running during the school holidays, as outlined below.

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Matariki – Relaunch of Whakaruru Te Hau

hek-busbyWe are involved in the opening of the Whangarei District Council Matariki Celebrations on Saturday 27th June. The major point for us is that we will be officially relaunching our waka “Whakaruru Te Hau” here in Whangarei Te Terenga Paraoa. Matua Hekenukumai Busby and Matua Te Wārihi Hekaraka will be conducting the karakia for us.

The ākonga involved in crewing the waka are meeting at the Kura at 11am. They will be part of the main ceremony at the Town Basin at 12.45am and this will be followed by the official karakia at 1pm. If you are free on Saturday please come down to support and celebrate this momentous occasion.

Whānau Information Hui – Taratahi Agriculture Course

In the second week of the school holidays, Sunday 12th – Friday 17th June, we are offering an agriculture course in partnership with Taratahi based at Bennetts Farm, Whangaruru. All ākonga that are involved have received their information pack and permission slip. We are holding an information hui on Wednesday 1st July at 5.30pm for whānau to explain the course and answer any questions. This course will give ākonga both valuable skills for working in the primary sector and NCEA credits.


End of Term Matariki Celebration

On Friday 3rd July at 1:30pm we will be holding an End of Term Matariki Celebration to showcase some of the mahi our ākonga have completed. It will finish around 3pm. Our ākonga will be presenting a range of their mahi and achievements including spoken word poetry, the Kura band, ngā Manu Kōrero, written/visual work will be displayed in Tapatoru as well. It would be great to get as many whānau as possible in attendence to celebrate our outstanding ākonga. Nau mai, piki mai, kake mai.


Senior Reports

Senior reports will be sent home during the last week of this term. They will detail the progress each ākonga has made in their individual NCEA subjects, including a credit count and comments on attitude, application and any improvements that need to be made. We will have Hui Whakapiki in Week 2 of Term 3 for all senior ākonga.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Kura office directly on 094388422

Smokefree Rockquest

Congratulations to our very own band “Mochaccino” who came first and soloist Izaiah Tilialo who came second at the recent Northland Smokefree Rockquest. Our amazing ākonga showcased their various talents and absolutely rocked the crowd!

Mochaccino wins 2015 Smokefree Rockquest regionalsIzaia Tilialo places in the 2015 Smokefree Rockquest Regionals and qualifies for the nationals


Netball / Crossfit

Netball team does crossfitOur netball girls have started crossfit classes every Monday & Wednesday from 3:45pm to 4:45pm to improve their fitness and endurance for their upcoming grade promotion. These will be for the remainder of term 2 and the duration of term 3. Please ensure ākonga attend all classes and bring their Kura PE uniform, running shoes and water.

Ngā manaakitanga,
Dr Nathan Matthews Pouhere