2016 Te Tai Tokerau Regionals


Paetawhiti (year 7/8) competing at the recent Tai Tokerau Regional Competition at Te Rangianiwaniwa in Kaitaia. They performed well in their very first competition.


Paenuku (year 1-6) competing at the Taitokerau Regional Competition taking out first place and booking themselves  place at Nationals in 2017.


Senior A Boys Volleyball team 2016

Pānui ā Kura – 1 April 2016

Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, hewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou.

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