Pānui ā Kura – 5 February 2016

Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, tihewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou.

This week’s pānui for your information.

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TKW to launch primary school

Pānui ā Kura – 28 January 2016

Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, tihewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou, ngā mihi o te tau hou me ngā manaakitanga o te runga rawa kei runga i a tātou katoa. Nō reira, mauri ora ki a tātou.

We are in full swing and looking forward to the start of the year. Below are key dates and key events happening over the first few weeks of term 1. Please take time to read and note dates:

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Whānau Pānui – 17 April 2015

To say that Term 1 has been busy would be an extreme understatement! We have been involved in a wide range of mahi across all three pou Kia Māori, Kia Mātau, Kia Tū Rangatira ai. This mahi is important to establish a strong culture and build whanaungatanga in the Kura. Our ākonga, both at Paenuku and Paerangi, have excelled in everything that has been asked of them and have been a credit to themselves, our Kura and their whānau. In this issue, I have attempted to capture the events and activity we have been involved in so far this year.

In this issue

  • Paenuku Opening
  • Kia Māori – start of year activities including the annual hikoi and Leader’s Retreat, and a number of kapa haka performances
  • Kia Mātau – 2014 NCEA results and the Paenuku art exhibition
  • Kia Tū Rangatira ai – integration of the Leadership Academy of A Company, Anzac Day commemorations, the launch of the Esther Muriwai Foundation, and lots of sporting success.
  • Upcoming Events – also see the online calendar
  • Permission slip for the April 25 field trip to the Waka launch in Taipa.  This permission slip is also online here.

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