Tēnei ka hikitia, tēnei ka hapainga. Ki te tihi o te rangi i kakea ai e Tāne kia riro mai ai ko te whakaaronui, ko te wānanga, tēnei ka hikitia, ka hapainga. Ko te koha nui mōu, mō te tangata. He mātauranga ka eke Tihewa mauriora!
Mōkori anō kia mihia ngā mate tuatini o te wā e takoto ana i ngā marae huri noa i te motu. Hoki atu koutou ki te huinga o te kahurangi, te mūnga o te tini, o te mano, ā, kāti e moe. Tātou ngā mahuetanga iho ki a tātou. Tēnā rā tātou katoa. Tihewa mauriora! Mōkori anō kia mihia ngā mate tuatini o te wā e takoto ana i ngā marae huri noa i te motu. Hoki atu koutou ki te huinga o te kahurangi, te mūnga o te tini, o te mano, ā, kāti e moe. Tātou ngā mahuetanga iho ki a tātou. Tēnā rā tātou katoa.
Key Dates for this Week
Mon, Feb 22: Year 11 Science Trip
Wed, Feb 24: Rugby League vs Kamo
Kapa Haka practise (Paerangi)
Thu, Feb 25: Waka Ama practise
Kapa Haka practise (Paerangi)
Paenuku Korero
Paenuku Hours
Our day starts at 9am and ends at 3pm daily. Please ensure that you drop off your tamariki at least five minutes before Kura starts.
Likewise, please ensure that you pick your child up no later than 3.10pm. If your child is still at school by 3.15pm, they will be put into the Tauākina After School Care Programme and you will be charged for this service.
Whānau, this is already becoming noticeable. Kura starts at 9am and the expectation is that you get your tamariki to Kura at least 5 minutes beforehand. Whānau, we need you to get on board with our kaupapa.
Paenuku uniform is compulsory and once we have purchased our correct polo shirts, it is Te Kāpehu Whetū expectation that every ākonga wear the correct uniform.
We are already having ākonga turn up wearing incorrect bottoms, jerseys and socks. Plain black shorts/skorts/pants, plain black socks and black shoes are the requirements.
We have managed to secure some polos and skorts from Postie Plus. Once we have the emblem stitched on these will be available for sale at the tari.
All whānau needing the emblem stitched on their child’s polo, please bring it to the office by Monday, February 22.
If your child does not have a spare uniform to wear, please send them to school in a plain T-Shirt.
Paenuku bucket hats are compulsory in terms 1 and 4. Our kaupapa is SUNSAFE therefore ākonga who do not have a Paenuku potae are not allowed to play outside on the field. Potae can be purchased for $13.00 each from Te Kāpehu Whetū Paerangi located at 185 Lower Dent Street.
Weetbix Tryathalon
We have had a few ākonga register for this event, however, we still need more to register a team.
It doesn’t matter what ability your child may be at, all that is required is a willingness to give it a go and a positive attitude.
If your child is over the age of 7 and is interested at having a go in this awesome event, please return their registration forms to the tari.
Saturday Netball
If your child would like to join a netball team, or if you are interested in coaching or managing a team, please put your name down with Whaea Lara in the tari. Ākonga will need permission to play. Games are on Saturdays.
We are always on the look out for resources. If you happen to have the following things lying around and want to get rid of them we are more than happy to take them off your hands:
- Magazines
- Newspaper
- Towels
- Rolls from tin foil/glad wrap
- Buckets
- Old shearing combs
- Old dog combs
- Pasta maker
- Tyres
- Old fishing nets
- Rope
Are you a handy man/woman?
We are on the look out for anyone who has the time and ability to make some wooden stilts and gutter balls for ākonga to play with. If this is you, let us know.
Ngā Mihi
We would like to say a huge thank you to our relief teachers, Whaea Luana and Whaea Hirini, who helped us this week while we were short staffed.
We would also like to thank Whaea Kay, Whaea J’mie, Whaea Toni, the team at Tarewa ECE and Whau Valley ECE for releasing them to help us out.
Ngā mihi koutou kia katoa.
Volunteers Needed in Paetawhiti
Volunteers are needed to monitor, organise and run lunchtime activities for Paetawhiti ākonga during their lunch break.
The numbers of ākonga has doubled this year. Volunteers are needed to organise and run lunchtime activities that will keep ākonga active and engaged during their big break.
Volunteers would be treated like full time staff, except their time on the premises would be specified. Lunchtime helpers would be Police vetted like all staff and would need to have credible references to be considered.
All applications will be treated as confidential. Further inquiries can go to Whaea Elisa on 09-438 4228.
Ross School Visit
Ross School from New York will be hosted by the Kura from Monday, February 29, to Friday, March 4.
This is a reciprocal visit. Last year Ross School hosted a delegation from Te Kāpehu Whetū in New York.
During their time with us they will stay at Motatau Marae for the first two days where activities planned for them includes visits to the Kawiti Glow Worm Caves and Ruapekapeka Pa. They will also be going to Waipoua and Kai Iwi Lakes and will stay at Matatina Marae.
On Wednesday the 2nd of March our manuhiri will be formally welcomed to Te Kāpehu Whetū with a pōwhiri where they will spend time assimilating with our ākonga in their classrooms.
The Pou Arahi and other senior ākonga will be involved with supporting our manuhiri when they are welcomed at marae, as well as being available to manaaki and being good hosts to our guests.
We are excited about continuing our relationship with Ross School and are confident as a whānau you will make them feel welcome while here.
Stop Added to Kura Bus Service
A new stop has been added to the Kura bus service, effective immediately.
The new stop is at Hikurangi (highlighted) and has been incorporated into the timetable as follows:
Moerewa – Whangarei (morning)
- 7.20am Depart Moerewa – Old Moerewa Hotel Carpark opp Moerewa BP
- 7.30am Depart Kawakawa – Ngati Hine Health Trust
- 7.50am Depart Ruapekapeka Rd – opp Towai Garage
- 8.00am Depart Whananaki North Road
- 8:10am Depart Hikurangi – Waro Limestone Reserve
- 8.35am Arrive Kura
Whangarei – Moerewa (afternoons)
- 3.40pm Depart Kura
- 4:10pm Depart Hikurangi – opp Waro Limestone Reserve
- 4.20pm Depart Whananaki North Road
- 4.30pm Depart Ruapekapeka Rd – Towai Garage side
- 4.50pm Depart Kawakawa – Ngati Hine Health Trust
- 5.00pm Arrive Moerewa – Old Moerewa Hotel Carpark opp Moerewa BP
Reminder, as per Ministry of Education requirements, only Kura students can use the bus. They must be approved by Whaea Kaylem.
Paerangi Practices for Festival
All Paerangi ākonga are preparing to represent the Kura at the 2016 Annual Tai Tokerau Secondary Schools Cultural festival on April 13 and 14.
Practice started today (Friday) and more are scheduled for the following times every week until April 13:
- Tuesday lunchtime
- Wednesday 3:45—6:00pm
- Friday period 4 and lunchtime
Whānau are asked to supply extra kai for your tamaiti on days where practice is after hours. On those days ākonga will return home for dinner.
Whānau who do not live locally are asked to make arrangements for your tamaiti to stay localy with whānau or provide alternative transport on Wednesday evenings to support your tamaiti’s full participation.
Please contact Whaea Lucille via the school office if you have any queries.
Year 11 Science Trip
TKW played against Tikipunga High on Wednesday and came away convincing winners 60 – 18.
The team was led from the front by captain Qadmiel Edmonds and Shaun Ridgeway. Diani Timms and Ximena Edmonds proving what a lethal half’s pairing they will be this season.
Their combination in close provided the openings for the likes of Tahu Pokiti Tawhiwhirangi and Aotea Parata out wide.
Coach Jackson Katene was pleased with the team’s performance which allowed them to dominate Tiki in all areas of the game.
A big shout out to all that came to support the boys. Their next game on Wednesday is against Kamo High with the venue to be confirmed.
This year’s team representing Te Kāpehu Whetū is Aotea Parata, Kelvyn Henare, Qadmiel Edmonds, Kaharau Pickering Henare Beattie, Ximena Edmonds Diani Timms, Shaun Ridgeway, Tahu Potiki Tawhiwhirangi, Markal McQueen Stevens, Nico Te Whata, Kiritopa Allen, Heiwari Smith, Breton Gibbons, Te Riwhi Rudolph, Te Rangi Munroe and Rangatira Keerako.
League Boys Win First Up
TKW played against Tikipunga High on Wednesday and came away convincing winners 60 – 18.
The team was led from the front by captain Qadmiel Edmonds and Shaun Ridgeway. Diani Timms and Ximena Edmonds proving what a lethal half’s pairing they will be this season.
Their combination in close provided the openings for the likes of Tahu Pokiti Tawhiwhirangi and Aotea Parata out wide.
Coach Jackson Katene was pleased with the team’s performance which allowed them to dominate Tiki in all areas of the game.
A big shout out to all that came to support the boys. Their next game on Wednesday is against Kamo High with the venue to be confirmed.
This year’s team representing Te Kāpehu Whetū is Aotea Parata, Kelvyn Henare, Qadmiel Edmonds, Kaharau Pickering Henare Beattie, Ximena Edmonds Diani Timms, Shaun Ridgeway, Tahu Potiki Tawhiwhirangi, Markal McQueen Stevens, Nico Te Whata, Kiritopa Allen, Heiwari Smith, Breton Gibbons, Te Riwhi Rudolph, Te Rangi Munroe and Rangatira Keerako.
Netball Set to Start
Calling for whānau support to coach or manage our netball teams for 2016 for Paetawhiti and Paerangi.
If you are interested in either of these roles this season please see Whaea Ringi or Whaea Jackie at the Kura office asap
If your kotiro is interested in playing netball this season see Whaea Ringi. Training days and times will be confirmed once coaches are selected. At this stage we only have one coach confirmed for Years 7 and 8.
We are looking for both coaches and managers for Years 9 and 10, as well as Senior 1.
Our kotiro were the WNC College A Reserve 2 Preliminary winners, and WNC College A Reserve 1 winners last year. They also had the least goals scored against them in the WNC Preliminary round.
Waka Ama Practise Has Started
Waka Ama practise started yesterday (Thursday 18/02).
Papa Ralph is looking determined and expecting a lot from the ākonga intending to paddle this year as he prepares them for the Waka Ama Secondary School Nationals in Rotorua from April 4—8.
Last year the Kura went with two senior under 19 teams, and one junior under 16 paddler. They were competitive across all their grades considering it was their second year at the national event.
Health and Safety
School Drop-offs and Pickups

This series of photos illustrates the congestion at the end of the school day. In photo 1 a work van is backing into a driveway while ākonga are crossing the road. Photo 2 shows the traffic build up as others prepare to cross the road. Photo 3 gives you an idea of the numbers crossing the road at any one time. The map (top left) shows the access points to Reyburn House Lane where tamariki can be dropped off safely.
During the week we have noticed a lot of traffic congestion in and around the Kura as whānau bring their children to school in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon.
The congestion is causing some angst for our neighbours—mostly businesses—who have service vehicles, courier vans and customers trying to access their businesses.
Again we remind whānau: if you are dropping off or picking up, please use the road along Reyburn House Lane (refer to the map).
Even if you are in a rush, we ask you to take the time to take your children to the entrance to the Kura off Reyburn House Lane rather than park in the entrance way of neighbouring businesses.
Please respect our neighbours and it will make life easier for everyone.
Towards Sustainability: Healthy Kai
As part of our drive towards sustainability, we are introducing a series of lifestyle principles throughout the Kura aimed at improving our choices around kai, and better health and fitness.
Our immediate focus is healthy lunches and we encourage whānau to tautoko the idea by not sending ākonga to Kura with noodles, pies, and fizzy/sweet drinks.
We realise there are economic ramifications for whānau. But there are also huge cost and health benefits downstream. We have Weetbix available for ākonga who need breakfast or are hungry.
Ākonga are at a time of rapid growth and development, and a time when many habits and behaviours are set. A healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, will help to ensure a healthy future.
Ākonga Bringing Vehicles to Kura
The only ākonga permitted to bring vehicles to Kura are the Year 13 students.
Mopeds or scooters will be allowed to be parked in the immediate vicinity of the Kura. Cars are to be parked in the car park near the roundabout at the intersection of Lower Dent and Carruth Streets.
All ākonga bringing vehicles to Kura will need to present a driver’s licence appropriate to their vehicle and abide by the conditions of their licence.
The Kura will not take any responsibility for the vehicle or its driver. That is up to the whānau. However we will step in if the driver’s actions impact on our ākonga and immediate community.
Driving a vehicle to Kura is a privilege, not a right. We expect ākonga to take that responsibility seriously.
Applications to bring vehicles go to Whaea Maia in the front office.
Whānau in Class
We know whānau want to come in an see ākonga in class. However it raises several concerns with congestion in classrooms, ākonga being distracted, along with health and safety issues.
We will have opportunities throughout the year for whānau to come in and participate. So please refrain from dropping in.
Smoking Cessation
We are working with the Northland District Health Board on developing a Smoking Cessation programme.
Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and in 2009 the numbers of Māori smoking were 44 percent. The programme we are interested in developing is about not only those who currently smoke, but potential smokers. Te Kāpehu Whetū staff will be the first introduced to the programme, which will also be offered to whānau.
Leaving the Kura Premises
Only Year 12 and 13 ākonga are permitted to leave the Kura premises during the morning tea and lunch breaks.
We have two major breaks:
- 11:15—11:45am
- 1:45—2;30pm
Ākonga are expected to be back onsite 15 minutes before the end of each break.
They must also sign in and sign out when going off the premises.
Te Reo Māori Classes
In partnership with Northtec we will soon be offering Te Ataarangi evening classes for whānau.
Details about times and days will be available soon.