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Only 2 and a bit weeks left of kura for the year and we are still full on at both sites.

This week at Paenuku we carried out our karakia for the 2 prefabs that have been moved on to our site. We had to get them open so our wāhine can organise the space before we come back in 2024! Our tamariki from Mokopuna ECE who are Year 1s next year, also joined us as they will be the first students along with our current Year 1 ākonga to use the new space…exciting.

While up at Paetata we had Moana Futures in for two days taking everyone through the information and skills required to enter the moana, This included a day at the pools, to ensure they had the swminning skills to go out. On Friday, out they went to Kowharewa Bay to put into practice the learning and slills …..ohhhh and the kina and crayfish were delish!! Next weeks its Paetawhitis turn.

On our Teachers Only Day we worked through planning for 2024 and hosted uncle Hori Parata, Clive Stone and 2 scientist from Victoria university, up here talking about Tuatara with Ngati Wai. Very interesting hearing about the behaviour and habitats of this elusive moko. As with all our mahi of late we are consolidating our connection and learning in the Taiao through our own mātauranga and science. It’s a field that we want to strengthen and enhance in 2024, here at Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Lastly, we held the first of a series whanau hui for those whanau interested in the transition of their tamariki from Paenuku (Year 6) to Paetata (year 7/8) and what that might hold.

This Tuesday evening at 5pm we hold the second whanau hui for whanau wanting to know more about Paetawhiti (Years 9&10) in 2024. We look forward to catching up and sharing our vision.


The new whare were blessed this month in preparation for 2024 opening. Our tamariki who were on site, our building crew, whaea Raewyn, whaea Kaye, whaea Hera and others were able to be a part of this event as matua Glen and matua Morore offered the karakia.


Our Ngatiwai tohunga, matua Hori Parata visited Te Kāpehu Whetū

  • Matua Hori Parata shares his matauranga with Paetata and Paetawhiti. His expertise in Tohora recovery is recognised nationally.
  • Matu Hori has been involved in this type of mahi for decades and is a leader in developing tohora recovery protocols. His knowledge is something he has grown up around and has been handed down to him by his uncles.
  • Matua Hori encouraged the ākonga to embrace their environment.
  • TOITU TE MARAE A TANE – “If the land is well the sea is well the people will thrive”
  • Matua Hori and Clive stone from Ngātiwai Trust Board also visited with scientists from victoria university. They will be looking at projects with Ngātiwai that will be suitable for our ākonga. These will include Kauri-ora, research interest in caleurpa and other taonga species in our rohe.
  • Paetata ākonga tau 7 & 8 were privileged to spend 3 days with Moana Futures learning water safety whilst gathering kaimoana.


Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.


Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Teachers Only Days, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.