2016 Te Tai Tokerau Regionals


Paetawhiti (year 7/8) competing at the recent Tai Tokerau Regional Competition at Te Rangianiwaniwa in Kaitaia. They performed well in their very first competition.


Paenuku (year 1-6) competing at the Taitokerau Regional Competition taking out first place and booking themselves  place at Nationals in 2017.


Pānui ā Kura – 22 April 2016

Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, tihewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou.

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Pānui ā Kura – 8 April 2016


Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, hewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou.

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Senior A Boys Volleyball team 2016

Pānui ā Kura – 1 April 2016

Tū ki te marae, tū ki te ao, hewa mauri ora. Tēna tātou e te whānau, tuatahi, me mihi ki tō tātou matua nui i te rangi, nāna nei ngā mea katoa. Tuarua, ki ngā mate hohua o te wā, haere. Haere ki pae maumahara, haere ki te kainga tūturu mō tāua te tangata. Mate atu he tete kura, ko rātou tēna i okioki ai. Ara ake he tete kura, ka hoki tēnei ki ngā kanohi ora, koutou rā e te whānau, tēna koutou.

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Chicago Haerenga 2015

During October a group of students and staff from Te Kapehu Whetu held a successful cultural and educational exchange with Oak Park and River Forest High School in Chicago. The exchange was an opportunity for students to see and appreciate first hand one of the largest economies in the world, participate in school life in another country and gain a global perspective on New Zealand’s position in the world. This video is a highlights package from that trip that also includes a visit to Ross School in New York, and stopping off in Washington DC and Los Angeles.

Rangatahi Inc Launch Dinner

On August 28 this year, a bold new initiative called Rangatahi Inc was launched at Whangarei’s Toll Stadium. Rangatahi Inc is a collaborative initiative designed to unlock rangatahi entrepreneurship in Tai Tokerau. This video captures some of the highlights from the evening including the first product launch as a result of Rangatahi Inc – Inc Me, a high quality smart phone case with a QR code that contains a company or individual’s contact details.