Pānui ā Kura – 22 March 2024
Kia ora e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū,
On Saturday I was privileged to be a small part of Te Kapa Haka O Te Waerenga Rangi (ngahau roopu) at Te Tai Tokerau Senior Kapahaka Regional Festival. The whole day was fabulous and a true reflection of Kia Māori, Tākiri Tū Te Kotahitanga, Tākiri Tū Te Mana Motuhake
The term is coming to the end but we still have plenty of mahi on, haerenga and events to attend.
Please see the downladable pānui and calendar for note key dates:
- This Wed 27th – Action Matakana – Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi tai tama tāne only
Permission forms will be out tomorrow, please get them back in asap.
- This Thurs 28th – NZEI Union Meeting – Paenuku/Paetata/Paetawhiti teachers out BUT
- Paenuku – Whaea Lu, support staff and Academy onsite to run a Platoon challenge
- Paetata/Paetawhiti – Paerangi staff onsite to run the afternoon
(If you prefer to pick up at 1pm feel free to do so)
- This Fri 29th – Easter holiday – Kura closed
- Next Mon 1st April – Easter holiday – Kura closed
- Next Tues 2nd April – Easter holiday – Kura closed – PLEASE NOTE
- Next Wed 3rd – back to Kura
- Next Thurs 4th – Paenuku WEAP Hui – Paenuku Parent/Teacher evening
Please book time with Whaea Sam to meet up with your child’s Pouako
- Wed 10th April – Tai Tokerau Festival – Whole of Kura will attend event at Okaihau College
- Paetata/Paetawhiti/Paerangi to perform at 4.30pm, Paenuku to tautoko
Whanau welcomed to come through to watch also
- Thurs 11th April – Tai Tokerau Festival – small team to attend last day on behalf of Kura
- Friday 12th April – TEACHERS ONLY DAY – NO KURA
The 2 weeks School Holidays start
BUT please note: Staff Louis is planning in the second week of the holidays:
- Tue 23rd/Wed 24th April – Academy Promotional course & prep for Italy
- Thur 25th – Academy to attend ANZAC at Ngāwhā (5am), Motatau (10am), Waitangi (pm)
- Friday 26th home for a day then
Matua Rua will be taking 3-4 teams to Kai Iwi lakes
- Sat 27th April – Kai Iwi Lakes Triathlon
- Mon 29th April – Back to Kura for Term 2
- Wed 15th May – Academy fly to Italy – for the 80th commemorations of the Battle of Cassino
Raewyn Tipene
Ngā mihi nui te whānau o Hiramatiu mo te mauri a mai i te miere (Honeycomb)
Te Reo Matatini
Reo akonga(student voice) – E tino pai ana ahau ki te mahi i oku mahi reo matatini
Reo akonga(student voice) – He pai ki ahau te ako i te mahi pāngarau
Tino miharo rawa atu te kite i ngā akonga kātoa puta noa i a Paenuku, e whakangingu ana i wā rātou pukennga poitukohu. Ano hoki te kite i ngā matua e tautoko mai ana i ngā tamariki.
Autaea whānau ma.
The Gift of opportunity
Before the tamariki begin their basketbak training Matua Herbie, and his team always give the students time to talk about 3 favourite things. Such as, their favourite food, favourite colour, and their favourite thing that they did in the weekend.
Our pouako at Paenuku find it so enjoyable to hear all the wonderful and positive kōrero the ākonga have to share with each other around poitūkohu. It always sets the mood for positive play and engagements, and we would like to acknowledge the team at “Tiakana teina kaiarahi” and all our wonderful coaches who continue to put in their time and efforts to encourage our ākonga to strive and be the best version of themselves.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou kātoa.
Paetata me Paetawhiti
What’s been happening this week?
Action Matakana
Ngā kotiro from Paetawhiti and Paerangi got to experience thrilling obstacles with a whole lot of team work at Action Matakana. Tauira were putthrough their paces wth each activity testing their balance, strength and endurance. Agreat way to showcase grit and determination as well as having a whole lot of fun through whanaungatanga and manaaki tangata.
Ngararatunua Tuna Survey
As membersof Ngā Kaitiaki o Ngā Waimāori Ngāti Kahu o Torongare had the opportunity to survey oart of Wairua river catchment as part of the annual tuna survey. Te Kāpehu Whetū tuakana were invited to join haū kaitiaki from Ngāraratunua, Te Orewai, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Hau, as wellas whānau amd mokopuna to help survey tuna over a 4 day period as well aslearning more about tuna, their natural habitat and their migration process.
Putaiao DNA
Ths week, Paetata delved into the fascinating realm of DNA with the House of Science Kit, exploring it’s significance in shaping who we are and inravelling the mysteries of life itself. “DNA, the fundamental molecule of life, serve as the intricate blueprint that dictates our biological characteristics and orchestratesthe complexities of existence.
See Calendar for Events
Kapa Haka
Our ākonga have shown commendable dedication and effort in mastering the various items of our Kapa haka bracket. Through rigorous practice sessions, ākonga have been refining their techniques and synchronizing their movements to ensure a cohesive and impactful performance.
Our TKW Kapa haka group will be performing on the first day of the festival, the 10th of April. This is an exciting opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and celebrate the richness of our Māori culture with the wider community. The performance promises to be a memorable and culturally enriching experience for both the performers and the audience.
While commendable progress has been made, it is imperative for students to continue practicing diligently to further enhance their skills and polish their performance. Each item in the bracket requires ongoing refinement and mastery, and consistent practice sessions are essential to ensure a flawless and impactful performance on the day.
Additionally, Paerangi students are reminded of the importance of committing themselves to completing all assessment tasks related to Kapa haka. These tasks serve not only as a means of evaluation but also as opportunities for personal growth and development within the cultural domain. By dedicating themselves to these tasks, Paerangi students will contribute to the overall success and cohesion of our Kapa haka group.
Action Matakana
Te Kāpehu Whetū tuakana kōhine set off on Wednesday to tackle the mud, walls, water, planks and cargo nets and came out victorious. All kotiro gave everything they could and their individual strengths were able to shine. Each group needed the height of their tall members, physical strength of the tough, the small nimble ones and the critical thinkers who found the most effective ways to conquer the obstacles.
Pouako could not have been prouder of the leadership shown by the Paerangi kōhine.
Our tai Tama Tāne head down this week on Wed the 27th March, leaving kura at 8.00am.
Permission slips have gone home or been emailed to whanau…PLEASE RESPOND
Be on time and wear appropriate gear!!!
Whare Hauora @ TKW
At Te Kāpehu Whetū we are committed to the health and well-being of our ākonga, our whanau and our staff. Whare Hauora is our attempt to raise awareness, create opportunities and actively pursue a higher level of wellbeing for us all.
Consider this: If we aren’t mindfully active in seeking our own health across Te Whare Tapa Wha, we will struggle to attain the heights we pursue!
Screen time
For 5–17-year-olds, the current Ministry of Health guideline for screen time, (outside of school hours) is less than 2 hours per day.
Excessive screen time is harming our tamariki’s health and well-being. Screen time is associated with obesity, poor mental health, poor sleep. It affects children and teenager’s ability to concentrate, decreases their ability to focus and children who regularly overuse technological devices for recreational screen time struggle to regulate their behaviour and emotions.
Some screentime is beneficial and it depends on how the whanau and child interact with the device as to the effects. When whanau interact with both each other and the screen, use the screen to connect with each other and discuss how to be safe in the digital world there are some great benefits. The negative impacts are strongest though when children use non-interactive, non-educational media and apps and are just mindlessly watching streams of clips and video without the need to connect with other people.
“Screen use rose rapidly during the COVID‑19 pandemic, and children in 2023 are frequently spending time online, particularly on smartphones. According to the latest media use survey, YouTube and Netflix are the most popular websites for watching programmes, with one in three children under 14 using social media, most commonly TikTok, which is rated R13.” Senior researcher Dr Moira Smith – Department of Public Health
Carving out time to turn off your devices, to disconnect from the wired world and engage with the real people who are all around you, is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and the people you love.”
Naku nā
Whaea Karlene
Sending ALL our aroha to Pouako and Pou Awhina who performed this weekend at Tai Tokerau Kapa Haka Senior Regionals…….
Whaea Hari, Whaea Arohaina with Waerenga Te Kaha, Whaea Erana with Waerenga Rangi
UPDATE: The four roopu through to Te Matatini 2025 are:
Muriwhenua, Hātea, Nga Uri o Manumanu, Te Puu Ao – Tau kē!!!
We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.
To do this we commit to success in all its forms:
Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.
Raewyn Tipene
Important Dates
See Calendared Dates