Pānui ā Kura – 14 December 2024
Kia ora koutou e te whanau o Te Kāpehu Whetū
We made it…… last few days of Kura 2024 left to do.
But last week was an absolute whirlwind with:
– Paenuku Rā Mākete – fabulous event. I sorted all my Christmas pressies!!
– Paenuku Prize Giving – hot and long but amazing resilience shown by our ākonga and outstanding results across Kura. More info later in the week!
ALSO: Farewell to Helena Larkins – Helena graduated as a Year 13 from Te Kāpehu Whetū Paerangi last week. She started her journey here at Kura in Paenuku as a Year 1. At the Paenuku Prize giving she was honoured as the first TKW ākonga to have been right through all years (Year 1 – Year 13) and all four whare Paenuku, Paetata, Paetawhiti, Paerangi
– Paetata and Paetawhiti Prize giving tomorrow Monday 11.30am
Their last day is this Wednesday
– This week Paenuku heads to Rainbows End this Tuesday.
This Tuesday is their last day
Nga mihi ki nga whanau katoa, nga kaimahi me nga tauira
Meri Kirihimete me nga hararei haumaru
Whaea Rae
He whānui ngā whakaakoranga kua tau ki roto i te whare o Pāenuku i roto i tēnei wahanga o te tau. He tino miharo kia rongo i te pakari pai o te tupu o te reo e rere hāere ana ki roto i tō tātou nei kura. Tēnei rā kā mihi ki te nui o ngā pukenga rau kua whakamau ki roto i ā tātou tamariki. Ahakoa te tini o ngā kaupapa e whai nei e tātou, ko te aronga matua i ngā wā katoa ko te whakatinana i ngā pou e toru o tō mātou nei kura arā, Kia Māori, Kia Mātau, Kia tū rangatira ai! Nō reira kia kaha tonu tātou e te whānau ki te whāngai i te reo māori mē ēnei tikanga tuku-iho ki te kāinga i te āo, i te pō! Tēnā Rā Tātou.
Tū Ki Te Marae, Tū Ki Te Āo
Kua tino hiriri katoa ngā mahi whakatau tikanga i tēnei wā, kua whai waahi anō ai tātou ki te whakarite mo te kaupapa o te rā tuku tāonga. E hari koa katoa ana te wairua e huri hāere ana ki te kura. E mihi ana ki o tātou poupou o te whare o Pāenuku, ngā pouako, ngā pouāwhina, ngā pou whakahāere, ngā pou ārahi, me tō tātou pou here e mana tonu nei te hiki i te mānuka, kua tākina i ngā timi wero kia ora marika mai ai tō tātou kaupapa! Tēnei te ngākau ka rewa kia koutou katoa!
‘Ko te pāe tawhiti, whāia kia tata, ko te pāe tata, whakamau kia tina!’
Tēnei kā mihi ki te nui o ngā akoranga kua whakatau ki roto i ngā akomanga katoa o Pāenuku ki roto i tēnei tau. Nō reira i tau mai ai te whakaaro kia whakatū i tētahi kaupapa kohi pūtea kia whakanui, i ngā mahi nui kua tutuki e ngā tamariki! Nō reira e mihi nui ana kia koutou e ngā whanaunga, i tāe mai ki roto i ā mātou ki te tautoko, ki te āwhina i te kaupapa nui o te rā! He nui ngā hua o te ako i puta, ā he whānui anō hoki te tautoko i tāe mai. Tēnā rāwa atu koutou katoa!
Ngā pūrongo week 9
Tēnā koutou katoa, As we bring this term to a close, we reflect on the incredible experiences, growth, and memories that have shaped our journey together in Paetata and Paetawhiti. This has been a term full of exploration, learning, and connection with each other, our whenua, and the wider world around us.
Taiao Moana
Connecting with the Moana and Taiao this term, we had the privilege of visiting marine reserves to learn about the importance of protecting our marine ecosystems. These visits deepened our connection to Tangaroa and helped us understand the role we all play in preserving our environment.
Future Pathways
Exploring future pathways we were fortunate to visit the University of Auckland and gain insights into the opportunities available for our future. These visits encouraged us to dream big and envision pathways that align with our aspirations and passions.
Fitness Goals
Physical and mental growth we celebrated incredible achievements in our fitness journey, with many ākonga improving their times in running, planks, and press-ups during RFL. These efforts reflect their determination and resilience, well done! along with attending and taking part in Iron Māori, and our inter-whare sports challenges.
Taiao Connections
Maunga walks and whaka hourua our maunga walks brought us closer to the sacredness of our whenua, connecting us with the stories and significance of our tūpuna. Similarly, our Waka Hourua experiences taught us about teamwork, navigation, and the cultural importance of our waka traditions.
Toitū Ngā Kaupapa
The Toitū te Tiriti Hīkoi was a great experience, allowing us to walk in the footsteps of hisory and reflect on the enduring significance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
E Mihi Ana
None of this would be possible without the dedication and hard work of our incredible Pouako and Pou Tautoko
Paetata Y7/8
Whaea Kay, Matua Wiremu, Matua Mohi, Matua Neville
Paetawhiti Y9/10
Whaea Serena and Whaea Petina
Paerangi Y11/12/13
Ropata, Matua Rua, Whaea Brenda, and Stanko
your guidance and support have been invaluable.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou mō tō koutou manaaki, tautoko, me te aroha ki ngā ākonga katoa. Your efforts have created an enriching and empowering environment for us all.
Along with disallowing cell phones and IT devices from being used in Kura (unless part of a lesson and allowed for learning by Pouako) another Government policy being measured is Student Attendance. See below:
The Government has set a target of 70% regular attendance for every student each term for 2024
Attendance is linked to both student wellbeing and to attainment. Ministry of Education insights studies show that attending Kura regularly is, on average, associated with more positive wellbeing outcomes. Attendance is also linked to student attainment, especially in secondary students.
Although we have a good attendance rate across the Kura, it can be better. Our attendance across both sites is usually around mid-high 70s.
We understand that there are valid and important reasons for ākonga to be out of school at times and this is ok but please let the tari know when and why your child is absent.
Tari Year 7-13 ring Whaea Jackie: (09) 955 9996
Tari Year 1-6 ring Whaea Sam: (09) 438 8033
Automated text notification of absence
We have reinitiated our automated text message system for absences starting next week. If your child is marked with an unknown absence in the morning on an automatic text message will be sent to the primary caregiver(s) to notify them.
Thank you very much to all whanau who have responded to these texts either by replying or contacting the office. This has made a significant difference to the number of unjustified absences we have.
Te Kāpehu Whetū has worked with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures.
The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. SchoolDocs provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies, which have been well-researched and align with the National Education and Learning Priorities. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behavior management, reporting to parents, etc.
SchoolDocs updates, modifies, or creates policies in response to changes in legislation or Ministry guidelines, significant events, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our school board has the opportunity to view changes/additions and comment on them before they are implemented.
We invite you to visit the site at School Docs
We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.
To do this we commit to success in all its forms:
Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be
An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.
Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know
Encouraging innovation, inquiry, the development of specialised knowledge and skills.
Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do
Development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.
Raewyn Tipene
Important Dates
See Calendar for Key Events