Pānui ā Kura – 2 February 2024

View/Download2 February 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Teachers Day Only – Day 1

Te Rerenga Walker Pōwhiri, Te Kura o Waikare

What an exhilarating beginning to the year for Te Kāpehu Whetū! On TDO day 1, the staff journeyed to Waikare to extend their support to Te Rerenga Walker as she assumes her new position as Tūmuaki ki Te Kura o Waikare. Nestled in the heart of Northland, Te Kura o Waikare, a true hidden gem, opened its doors to new students and its new leader, and we were privileged to be a part of it. It was imperative for TKW, considering Te Rerenga past roles as Pouhere of Paenuku and Kaiwhakahaere, to stand by her in this transition, honouring her years of dedication to the TKW cause. TKW extends its warmest wishes to Te Rerenga and her family as she embarks on this new journey.

Teachers Day Only- Day 2

Staff meet and greet kaiako hou, worked as a whare on our overarching kaupapa, to set the scene for 2024. What a wonderful start to our new year as we reset.

Poitukohu Rotorua 2024

Celebrating the success of our tamariki over the summer break! Te Kāpehu Whetū students proudly represented Ngapuhi/Tai Tokerau in basketball, Poitūkohu, and touch. Among our TKW students, Petina Randell showcased her skills in the u15s category for Ngāpuhi, with the team finishing 3rd in their pool and 5th overall, despite facing setbacks during the tournament. In the U13’s category, Kowhai, Raiha, Julie, and Ahuareka also demonstrated outstanding performance, securing 3rd place in their pool and finishing 6th overall. Congratulations to all TKW students on their achievements – we are incredibly proud of each one of you!


Term 1 2024 started for senior ākonga with a haerenga ki Sir Hek Busby Waka Centre, ki Taipa, hosted by matua John Panoho and his team, Ricky Lee, Jay, Moko and others, impressive manaakitangata was truly a welcomed space at Sir Hek Busby Waka Centre.

TKW seniors overnight stay was to enable our ȃkonga to take advantage of an opportunity to listen about Wayfinding and Te Kāpehu Whetū (Compass) while late night star gazing under a clear sky, our learning was like a tiny drop of water in the ocean about waka navigation. It was amazing…

Day 2 saw an early morning raise for us, the programme was to exercise, and no better way to start the day by playing touch and then matua John gave them a kōrero on kaitiakitanga before breakfast.

Although the highlight by far was enabling ākonga and kaiako being drilled on how to utilise a paddle on the waka Te Rangatahi, stop, starting, left turn and right turn, and reversing of a Waka Hourua (Double Hull waka) were the drills before having a bit of a paddle on the roto, great opportunity.


Final Notice for Paerangi from whaea Brenda  

Paerangi course selection Monday 5th Feb All Paerangi ȃkonga need to come in for about an hour to discuss their individual plans and subject choices for 2024. They will be reflecting on their 2023 school year and their NCEA results and forming strategies and goals under each Pou to help them strive forward with purpose. Ākonga can arrive any time between 9-12 and do not need to wear kura uniform.

We believe passionately in our culture, our people, our ākonga, and we know that through hard work, commitment, and focused support they will achieve within the Kura and beyond. We do this hereby acknowledging the 28 Māori Battalion and the price paid for citizenship, so that ‘we’ can “Navigate Māori Futures”.

To do this we commit to success in all its forms:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – Be

  • An education that validates Māori knowledge and ways of learning.

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – Know

  • Encouraging innovation, inquiry, and the development of specialised knowledge and skills.

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – Do

  • The development of strong character and personal excellence, living with mana.


“Ki te kore te putake e makukungia, e kore te rakau e tupu”

If the roots of the tree are not watered, the tree will never grow

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 30 January 2024

View/Download30 January 2024 Pānui PDF / 1 MB

Board Kaumatua

He honore he kororia ki te Matua Nui I Te Rangi, nāna nei i hanga ngā mea katoa o tenei Ao whakawhetai atu ki te Rangi-i-tu-haha.  Ka huri ngā mihi ki te tira wairua, ngā kotuku rerengatahi e kī ā nei “kāhore a muri i hokia”

Mā aku roimata e tuhi ngā mihi koe e kō e Tīkaro, nau te taha māori o tenei kura whakapakari i te wā he ākonga koe i te kura o Te Kāpehu Whetū. E Tīkaro e kore koe e warewaretia e hau ara e ngā kai ako ngā ākonga o tō kura. Tuakiri ē, te mamae, mō koutou katoa kua whakawhiti atu ki tua-o-te arai. Moe mai rā i runga i te rangimārie.

Ka tatū ake ngā mihi ki a koutou ngā whānau tūārangi, me ngā whānau i hokia tuarua mai, ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou i takahia mai te nuku o te whenua mai o tātou marae maha ki te whakatutuki i ō koutou whakaaro mo ngā mātauranga ō ā tātou tamariki.

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, kia ora huihui mai tātou katoa.

Papa Telly Warren


Tēna tātou katoa te whānau whānui o Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Nau mai hoki mai ki te wāhanga tuatahi o te tau Pakeha ō 2024.

Kua tae mai a Raumati hoki! 


Welcome back whanau…….to a new year and new beginnings.

Such a short break and so many things have occured.

To those who have lost loved one over this time, and there were many, my sincere aroha.

To my Henare whanau, there are no words I can find that might be of comfort to you all, at this time.  Know only that I am heartbroken at the loss of our girl Tīkarohia Te Mārama Henare.

Tīkaro….you will always hold a place in my heart and a place in Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Fly high our girl……moe mai rā i runga i te rangimārie!!!


I have decided to include key items in this panui, to help whanau re-connect with our kaupapa.  In the next day or so we will send a link to each whanau who have ākonga enrolled for 2024 to join our school app.  This will provide you with regular updates on events, policy and information necessary to be part of the Kura going forward.  In terms of Communication, we will continue to email directly (so keep that up to date!) and will utilise the App.  The website and Facebook are public sites.

TKW whanui ngā mihi….I whakamana I te kaupapa nei, mo ngā mokopuna te take!!!



Te Kāpehu Whetū was established in 2014 as a secondary charter school/Kura Hourua. Our Kura Tuakana included the two whare Paetawhiti (Years 9-10) and Paerangi (Years 11-13). In 2015 we opened our Kura Teina which included Paenuku (Year 1-6) and Paetata (Year 7-8). Both Kura were extremely successful and were one school.

In 2018, charter schools were closed and we were moved back to mainstream as two separate Designated Special Character schools. The change did not suit our vision and the Kura has struggled to work in the system. So in 2023, the Board decided to merge both Kura under Te Kāpehu Whetū. We are now a full Year 1-13 Kura sometimes referred to as an Area School.

We are still in rebuild mode but can already feel and see positive change occurring. We expect 2024 to be Te Kāpehu Whetū’s breakthrough year. To do this we need the support and co-operation of staff, whanau and our ākonga. Communication will be key as is an understanding and belief in our mission….our kaupapa The App, regular term whanau hui, Pouako/whanau relationships and our prospectus, (which is being currently renewed and out before the end of Term 1) will help.

Thank you for making TKW your Kura!!

Te Kāpehu Whetū

Te Kāpehu Whetū is an educational model that has, at its heart, a desire by Iwi Māori for Tino Rangatiratanga. This is nicely captured in the well-known whakatauki;

“E kore ahau e ngaro, He kākāno i ruia mai i Rangiatea”

Simply translated this means “I will never be lost, for I am a seed sown in Rangiatea.”

This allows us to say “we know who we are, we know where we come from and we have a world view which is ours.”  In its simplest form Tino Rangatiratanga is our right to see and be in the world, as Māori. This gives power to the premise that Māori can live as Māori in this modern global world.

Te Kāpehu Whetū is committed to this vision and committed to the strategic action necessary to provide the space, time, and opportunity to facilitate ākonga, whanau and staff growth and development.

Launching Māori Futures

To that end, what we do at Te Kāpehu Whetū must enable our collective and individual transformation.

To aid this quest a number of us attended the ‘Hui Ā Motu’ at Turangawaewae on the 20th January. What a way to start 2024, reassessing and reinforcing our position and responsibility as tangata whenua.  As a result the following has become the catch cry of the day:

Tākiri tū te Kotahitanga

Tākiri tū te Mana Motuhake

Tākiri tū te Rangatiratanga

And to achieve these goals the following was encapsulated:

“Kei roto i a tatou ano ringaringa to tatou oranga”

– Our destiny remains in our own hands –

Pita Tipene

And as was mentioned many times – the future lies in the hands of whanau.

This is our belief, despite what Government is in place or what policies are being implemented, that at Te Kāpehu Whetū, our potential, our prospects, both good and bad, for our tamariki/mokopuna lay with us.


Charting Māori Futures

Te Kāpehu Whetū understands this expectation as we were given the distinction of being named after the Māori Star Compass as a means of signalling our Kura’s purpose and direction.  We were named by our esteemed rangatira and navigator Tā Hekenukumai Busby, and our tohunga whakairo, Te Warihi Hetaraka and our kaumatua, Adrian (Telly) Warren.  We also have the privilege of using the navigational names in Tā Mason Durie’s books.  We understand the expectation and this is reflected in all we do:

Te Kāpehu Whetū utilises the symbolism and metaphor of the star compass and deep-sea voyaging for:

Our primary purpose:             “Launching Māori Futures”

Our strategic framework:       “Charting Māori Futures”

Our delivery response:           “Navigating Māori Futures”

Navigating Māori Futures

In addition, ākonga move through 4 whare reflecting increasingly further horizons signalling the gradual progressive learning process, moving towards their own aspirations that exist out, over the far horizon.

Paenuku:          Year 1-6 (the land we stand on),

Paetata:           Year 7-8 (the horizon in front of us),

Paetawhiti        Year 9-10 (the distant, far horizon),

Paerangi:          Year 11-13 (that place over the horizon)


At Te Kāpehu Whetū, as we move forward, we cannot afford to be distracted by matters of the moment but instead seek out distant horizons and create futures where we, our tamariki, and mokopuna


‘Live as Māori and Live with Mana’




Te Kāpehu Whetū is founded on Ngāpuhi history and stories, this is central to how we see ourselves.

In Launching Māori Futures – we envision a future where our ākonga, steeped in Ngāpuhi history and stories, are confident and comfortable conducting themselves in both a Māori and Tauiwi world.

In Charting Māori Futures – we know we must create a culture, a curriculum, a delivery programme, that enables this to occur.

In Navigating Māori Futures – we commit to “raise generations of Ngāpuhi who are confident, competent and capable so that they may find their place on the marae and their place in the world”.

“Tū ki te marae…..Tū ki te Ao”

Te Kāpehu Whetū, together with whānau, ākonga, and partners, will explore opportunities and navigate the possibilities to lift the aspirations of our ākonga and contribute to the goals of our whānau, hapū, iwi, local community, and the greater Aotearoa society.

To do so, Te Kāpehu Whetū continues with a focus around three pou set in place by its tuakana, the

Leadership Academy of A Company:

Kia Māori – Be Māori – BE

Kia Mātau – Be Knowledgeable – KNOW

Kia Tū Rangatira Ai – Be Rangatira – DO

Leadership Academy of A Company

Code of Conduct






Generosity of Spirit

Self Discipline




We are indebted to our tūpuna of the 28th Maori Battalion who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we could enjoy the privilege of citizenship as defined by Article III of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

The Leadership Academy of A Company was created to pay homage to those men and use the symbols and mechanisms of the 28 to raise young people who display discipline, confidence, respect for self and for others and for the greater wellbeing of all….

In other words to be future leaders for our people but above all be good men/women, be good partners and good parents.

Te Kāpehu Whetū embodies the values known as the Code of Conduct

The Future

Waka Collaborations in progress

Heemi Eruera

Last year I met with Heemi Eruera. Heemi Eruera is described as being the protege of the late Master Waka Builder & Navigator, Tā Hekenukumai Busby, from whom our kura and waka kaupapa derive it’s origins. He is currently repairing our waka Whakaruru Te Hau over at matua Te Warahi’’s shed.  Joelene Busby

Late last year I met with Joelz, who is currently building and sailing waka hourua around Tūtūkaka and Pataua.  We have agreed to develop a programme for our Kura, introducing ākonga to building and sailing waka.

Dr Shelly Spiller and John Panoho

In addition, I met with Dr Shelly Spiller and John Panoho, two of the three authors of the Leadership book “Wayfinding Leadership”.  We discussed a working relationship for future leadership training for our ākonga.  On the 1st of February, we initiatie that training.

On Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd February Paerangi and Year 10’s will travel back to Aurere.  This is a signal to all of our return to our roots and to the concept of Wayfinding, a means of navigating our own futures.  Ākonga and Pouako will take part in a number of workshops on wayfinding, while there.


Taiao and Moana Capability building

Discussions are underway with several organisations and roopu regarding education, training and practical application of skills, knowledge and science in relation to the wider Taiao and Moana.  We intend to build these relationships so that we can both ‘train the trainers’ and offer programmes.

This is important both in terms of our name and legacy, Te Kāpehu Whetū but also in terms of ensuring that ākonga have the skills for kai collection but also have an understanding of the value of Taiao and the Moana in relation to Climate Change.

Papakainga Prepper

Similarly, we are looking for ways to grow ākonga capabilities around mahinga kai and papakainga prepping to ensure they have skills to grow kai and have knowledge around whenua ownership and papakainga development.

TKW 2024

As we gear up for 2024, we ask that whanau note that we are returning to a Kura of high expectations.  We start this term by gently reminding whanau that high expectations starts with ourselves.  Below are some simple practices to ensure we are all on the same page in terms of what TKW is a Kura of – High expectations of ourselves as Staff, High expectations of Whanau, which combined will ultimately feed into High performing ākonga on many different levels.

As we look to 2024 Te Kāpehu Whetū will return to the following initiatives that will lift our collective expectation of ourselves….as role models for our ākonga.

  • Commitment to Te Reo:
    • Our administrative team is actively exploring courses to enhance whānau members’ proficiency in te reo Māori. Keep an eye on the weekly panui for updates.
    • We ask that all TKW whanau commit to improving their own use of te reo Māori
  • Enrolment Procedure and Whānau Agreements:
    • For clarity we will re-introduce a whanau agreement in 2024
    • New enrolments will need to sign up to the whānau agreement.
  • Readiness:
    • Ensure prompt arrival, rested and maintaining a positive attitude.
  • Uniform Compliance:
    • Ensure your children are in uniform.
    • TKW will be vigilant in enforcing this standard.
  • Ongoing Uniform and Shoe Costs:
    • Uniforms are a cost to be met by whanau
    • Remain aware of continuous uniform and shoe expenses.
  • Attitudes and Behaviours:
    • Adequate rest and nutritious meals significantly impact behaviour and outcomes.
    • Please support our children in these aspects.
  • Upholding Standards and Conduct:
    • We request all whānau to engage in discussions with their children and collectively uphold the Code of Conduct and TKW’s standards.
  • Mobile Phone:
    • Leave it at home. Adherence to this rule is required


Outlook for 2024:

Stay tuned for updates and insights into what lies ahead for TKW. We will keep you informed of our progress and future plans via the school app and email.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates

See Calendared Dates


Pānui ā Kura – 8 December 2023

View/Download8 December 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Firstly apologies whanau, with so many events, haerenga happening these last two weeks and having 2 separate sites, has caused more confusion than normal across the four whare. Our apologies.

So to confirm – the last day of Kura is tomorrow Monday  11th December 2023 at 3pm

If you absolutely cannot change your arrangements please contact.

  • Whaea Sam for Teina (Paenuku)
  • Whaea Kerrian for Tuakana (Paetata/Paetawhiti)

Now, last week was off the charts, as we worked day and night to ensure our Prizegiving ceremonies would happen.  Again, the weather played havoc with us and our Paenuku ceremony was transfered from Wednesday to Friday BUT despite that, we held two fabulous prizegiving and the graduation ceremonies for the Kura.  It is important that we acknowledged key ākonga and their achievements and accomplishment across all four Whare.  On Friday, we had the Paerangi prizegiving and Graduation dinner, where we handed out the Kura and Academy Pou awards and graduated our two Year 13 ākonga.  Also at the Graduation dinner we announced our 2024 Pou Arahi (Leadership) team for Te Kāpehu Whetū.  The next few pages recognise those ākonga who have raised the bar.

Note: Paetata/Paetawhiti prizegiving is tomorrow in their whare at 11am.

And before the year ends Id like to acknowledge all the staff who have worked tirelessly, in what was another very challenging year, to ensure that our tamariki and ākonga received the learning and experiential opportunties, we believe, will provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary in a rapidly changing, fluctuating world.

Lastly, to the whanau of all our rangatira of tomorrow……borrowing korero from Te Pāti Māori…….

TKW whanui ngā mihi….I whakamana I te kaupapa nei, mo ngā mokopuna te take!!!

Toitu Te Tiriti

TKW Graduates

Our two 2023, Year 13 ākonga were rightly honoured at the Graduation Dinner, having carried the Kura and Academy, essentially on their own, as the year 13 leaders.  A lonely task at times and often difficult but the two always conducted themselves, admirably, as they went about supporting the Pouako of our Kura and the Academy staff and cadets.  At the Graduation dinner, both spoke and their korero were some of the best ever given by Academy leaders.  Without a doubt they set the scene for the night and we could feel the Academy mana of old returning.  Go well boys…..

Prizegiving – Prizes

Download the pānui to get  a list of all those who received prizes. Congratulations everyone who worked really hard this year and were able to reach and exceed their goals.

Te Kāpehu Whetū Head Girl

Congratulations to our new Head Girl for 2024 – Te Rauhina Tautari-Herrick.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates (October-December)

2023 – School End 11 Dec 2023

2024 – Paerangi starts early – TBC, Full School starts 7 February 2024


Pānui ā Kura – 1 December 2023

View/Download1 December 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


We are into the last full week of school year with Prize-givings and Graduations all on the books.  It is so important that whanau come along and help us celebrate the year that was.

  • Paenuku – This Wednesday 6th Dec – 10am @ TBC
  • Paerangi – This Friday 8th Dec – 6pm @ Maumahara (whanau tickets with Whaea Jackie)
  • Paetata & Paetawhiti – Next Monday 11th Dec – 11am @ Whare o Paetawhiti

This week Paetawhiti (Year 9 &10s) will be off with Moana Futures Tues/Wed/Thurs…kinas on again!!

On the weekend a number of ākonga competed at the Iron Māori event in Tamaki at Okahu Bay.

It had been cancelled due to the sink hole that formed earlier in the year but at the last minute they decided to run the event and our kura stepped up and sent down 4 teams. Only Kura there!!!

And again, one of our teams took out first place in the team event…up against adult teams…TKW!!!


I haere mātou ki Tamaki Makaurau ki te Zoo, Rainbows End me Kelly Tarltons. He rawe ki a ratoute haerenga. Ngā mihi ki ngā kaimahi katoa me te roopu tautoko.


  • This week we were visited by Geva, the art specialist at Humdervasser centre
  • On Tuesday we played Ki O Rahi with Ngātihine, and ākonga are becoming more skilled
  • On Thursday Staff Louis put ākonga through their RFL run, press-ups, and burpees. It was great to see the participation and everyone giving it their best.
  • Iron Māori Tamaki – What a weekend, what an event…Read more in the actual newsletter!


  • Teina Christmas Camo Disco, Raapa 6th Hakihea
  • Hoake tatou! E whai ake nei ko te pōkanikani o te tau
  • We need your support to send our cadets to ITALY 2024, where they will retrace the footsteps of the 28th Māori Battalion and commemorate the sacrifices made 80 years ago at the Battle of Monte Cassino.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.


Important Dates (October-December)

Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving,

2023 – End of Year 12 December 2023

2024 – First day back for Full kura – 7 February 2024

Pānui ā Kura – 24 November 2023

View/Download24 November 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Only 2 and a bit weeks left of kura for the year and we are still full on at both sites.

This week at Paenuku we carried out our karakia for the 2 prefabs that have been moved on to our site. We had to get them open so our wāhine can organise the space before we come back in 2024! Our tamariki from Mokopuna ECE who are Year 1s next year, also joined us as they will be the first students along with our current Year 1 ākonga to use the new space…exciting.

While up at Paetata we had Moana Futures in for two days taking everyone through the information and skills required to enter the moana, This included a day at the pools, to ensure they had the swminning skills to go out. On Friday, out they went to Kowharewa Bay to put into practice the learning and slills …..ohhhh and the kina and crayfish were delish!! Next weeks its Paetawhitis turn.

On our Teachers Only Day we worked through planning for 2024 and hosted uncle Hori Parata, Clive Stone and 2 scientist from Victoria university, up here talking about Tuatara with Ngati Wai. Very interesting hearing about the behaviour and habitats of this elusive moko. As with all our mahi of late we are consolidating our connection and learning in the Taiao through our own mātauranga and science. It’s a field that we want to strengthen and enhance in 2024, here at Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Lastly, we held the first of a series whanau hui for those whanau interested in the transition of their tamariki from Paenuku (Year 6) to Paetata (year 7/8) and what that might hold.

This Tuesday evening at 5pm we hold the second whanau hui for whanau wanting to know more about Paetawhiti (Years 9&10) in 2024. We look forward to catching up and sharing our vision.


The new whare were blessed this month in preparation for 2024 opening. Our tamariki who were on site, our building crew, whaea Raewyn, whaea Kaye, whaea Hera and others were able to be a part of this event as matua Glen and matua Morore offered the karakia.


Our Ngatiwai tohunga, matua Hori Parata visited Te Kāpehu Whetū

  • Matua Hori Parata shares his matauranga with Paetata and Paetawhiti. His expertise in Tohora recovery is recognised nationally.
  • Matu Hori has been involved in this type of mahi for decades and is a leader in developing tohora recovery protocols. His knowledge is something he has grown up around and has been handed down to him by his uncles.
  • Matua Hori encouraged the ākonga to embrace their environment.
  • TOITU TE MARAE A TANE – “If the land is well the sea is well the people will thrive”
  • Matua Hori and Clive stone from Ngātiwai Trust Board also visited with scientists from victoria university. They will be looking at projects with Ngātiwai that will be suitable for our ākonga. These will include Kauri-ora, research interest in caleurpa and other taonga species in our rohe.
  • Paetata ākonga tau 7 & 8 were privileged to spend 3 days with Moana Futures learning water safety whilst gathering kaimoana.


Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.


Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Teachers Only Days, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.

Pānui ā Kura – 17 November 2023

View/Download17 November 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


We had our second visit this week from the team from ERO (Education Review Office) who provided considerable advice, insight, and support.  We look forward to the final report coming out shortly.

Reports for Mangoroa are now available from Whaea Serena with the rest due out in 2 weeks



Ko te kaupapa o te wāhanga tuawhā, ko Tangaroa. Ko Tangaroa me ōna hononga, herenga, riponga katoa.

He kai tiaki, he taonga, he tipua

He ariki, he taniwha, he tupua

Tangaroa Whakamautai!



He Nohonga Ngātautanga Ahau me Te Taiao

  • Week 6 was full with wāhine Māori visiting from ERO – They enjoyed time with Paetata, and Paetawhiti ākonga and were proud of them all. Compliments were received at wā whakarite. They mentioned how they felt the wairua of the kaupapa and commented on the commitment shown by ākonga.
  • Paetata and Paetawhiti kōhine enjoyed a day of cooking and sharing their talents with each other. They planned the day and brought all the ingredients they needed to create their own delicious dish, in some cases more than one dish.
  • Ākonga enjoyed a day learning and creating ‘tukutuku’, an innovative and contemporary way that teaches the traditional Māori art form of tukutuku. The most amazing learning – our ākonga were able to tell their own story through tukutuku.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Teachers Only Days, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.

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