Pānui ā Kura – 1 December 2023

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We are into the last full week of school year with Prize-givings and Graduations all on the books.  It is so important that whanau come along and help us celebrate the year that was.

  • Paenuku – This Wednesday 6th Dec – 10am @ TBC
  • Paerangi – This Friday 8th Dec – 6pm @ Maumahara (whanau tickets with Whaea Jackie)
  • Paetata & Paetawhiti – Next Monday 11th Dec – 11am @ Whare o Paetawhiti

This week Paetawhiti (Year 9 &10s) will be off with Moana Futures Tues/Wed/Thurs…kinas on again!!

On the weekend a number of ākonga competed at the Iron Māori event in Tamaki at Okahu Bay.

It had been cancelled due to the sink hole that formed earlier in the year but at the last minute they decided to run the event and our kura stepped up and sent down 4 teams. Only Kura there!!!

And again, one of our teams took out first place in the team event…up against adult teams…TKW!!!


I haere mātou ki Tamaki Makaurau ki te Zoo, Rainbows End me Kelly Tarltons. He rawe ki a ratoute haerenga. Ngā mihi ki ngā kaimahi katoa me te roopu tautoko.


  • This week we were visited by Geva, the art specialist at Humdervasser centre
  • On Tuesday we played Ki O Rahi with Ngātihine, and ākonga are becoming more skilled
  • On Thursday Staff Louis put ākonga through their RFL run, press-ups, and burpees. It was great to see the participation and everyone giving it their best.
  • Iron Māori Tamaki – What a weekend, what an event…Read more in the actual newsletter!


  • Teina Christmas Camo Disco, Raapa 6th Hakihea
  • Hoake tatou! E whai ake nei ko te pōkanikani o te tau
  • We need your support to send our cadets to ITALY 2024, where they will retrace the footsteps of the 28th Māori Battalion and commemorate the sacrifices made 80 years ago at the Battle of Monte Cassino.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.


Important Dates (October-December)

Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving,

2023 – End of Year 12 December 2023

2024 – First day back for Full kura – 7 February 2024

Pānui ā Kura – 24 November 2023

View/Download24 November 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Only 2 and a bit weeks left of kura for the year and we are still full on at both sites.

This week at Paenuku we carried out our karakia for the 2 prefabs that have been moved on to our site. We had to get them open so our wāhine can organise the space before we come back in 2024! Our tamariki from Mokopuna ECE who are Year 1s next year, also joined us as they will be the first students along with our current Year 1 ākonga to use the new space…exciting.

While up at Paetata we had Moana Futures in for two days taking everyone through the information and skills required to enter the moana, This included a day at the pools, to ensure they had the swminning skills to go out. On Friday, out they went to Kowharewa Bay to put into practice the learning and slills …..ohhhh and the kina and crayfish were delish!! Next weeks its Paetawhitis turn.

On our Teachers Only Day we worked through planning for 2024 and hosted uncle Hori Parata, Clive Stone and 2 scientist from Victoria university, up here talking about Tuatara with Ngati Wai. Very interesting hearing about the behaviour and habitats of this elusive moko. As with all our mahi of late we are consolidating our connection and learning in the Taiao through our own mātauranga and science. It’s a field that we want to strengthen and enhance in 2024, here at Te Kāpehu Whetū.

Lastly, we held the first of a series whanau hui for those whanau interested in the transition of their tamariki from Paenuku (Year 6) to Paetata (year 7/8) and what that might hold.

This Tuesday evening at 5pm we hold the second whanau hui for whanau wanting to know more about Paetawhiti (Years 9&10) in 2024. We look forward to catching up and sharing our vision.


The new whare were blessed this month in preparation for 2024 opening. Our tamariki who were on site, our building crew, whaea Raewyn, whaea Kaye, whaea Hera and others were able to be a part of this event as matua Glen and matua Morore offered the karakia.


Our Ngatiwai tohunga, matua Hori Parata visited Te Kāpehu Whetū

  • Matua Hori Parata shares his matauranga with Paetata and Paetawhiti. His expertise in Tohora recovery is recognised nationally.
  • Matu Hori has been involved in this type of mahi for decades and is a leader in developing tohora recovery protocols. His knowledge is something he has grown up around and has been handed down to him by his uncles.
  • Matua Hori encouraged the ākonga to embrace their environment.
  • TOITU TE MARAE A TANE – “If the land is well the sea is well the people will thrive”
  • Matua Hori and Clive stone from Ngātiwai Trust Board also visited with scientists from victoria university. They will be looking at projects with Ngātiwai that will be suitable for our ākonga. These will include Kauri-ora, research interest in caleurpa and other taonga species in our rohe.
  • Paetata ākonga tau 7 & 8 were privileged to spend 3 days with Moana Futures learning water safety whilst gathering kaimoana.


Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.


Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Teachers Only Days, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.

Pānui ā Kura – 17 November 2023

View/Download17 November 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


We had our second visit this week from the team from ERO (Education Review Office) who provided considerable advice, insight, and support.  We look forward to the final report coming out shortly.

Reports for Mangoroa are now available from Whaea Serena with the rest due out in 2 weeks



Ko te kaupapa o te wāhanga tuawhā, ko Tangaroa. Ko Tangaroa me ōna hononga, herenga, riponga katoa.

He kai tiaki, he taonga, he tipua

He ariki, he taniwha, he tupua

Tangaroa Whakamautai!



He Nohonga Ngātautanga Ahau me Te Taiao

  • Week 6 was full with wāhine Māori visiting from ERO – They enjoyed time with Paetata, and Paetawhiti ākonga and were proud of them all. Compliments were received at wā whakarite. They mentioned how they felt the wairua of the kaupapa and commented on the commitment shown by ākonga.
  • Paetata and Paetawhiti kōhine enjoyed a day of cooking and sharing their talents with each other. They planned the day and brought all the ingredients they needed to create their own delicious dish, in some cases more than one dish.
  • Ākonga enjoyed a day learning and creating ‘tukutuku’, an innovative and contemporary way that teaches the traditional Māori art form of tukutuku. The most amazing learning – our ākonga were able to tell their own story through tukutuku.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures (Tau 7, 8, 9, 10), Teachers Only Days, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.

Pānui ā Kura – 10 November 2023

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So many things on the go here at Kura but I want to mention a couple………

Firstly – our Tau 6 (Mangoroa) are in the last weeks of their time at Paenuku before moving from primary level to intermediate. This is a big shift for them and we want to ensure a smooth transition. Whaea Petina is inviting current year 6 and year 7 whanau to join her and staff for an introduction to our TKW Whare Tuakana to see what the future holds and to go through the opportunities and expectations we have for 2024 Tau 7 and Tau 8
– 2024 Paetata – 5pm Tues 21st November

Second – similarly our Tau 8s are on the move through Paetata (Years 7&8) to Paetawhiti (Years 9&10) so we want to hold an evening for current year 8 and 9 whanau to hear about next year’s opportunities and expectations we have for 2024 Tau 9 and Tau 10
– 2024 Paetawhiti – 5pm Tues 28th November

We will also be letting potential new whanau know to attend these evenings as well

Third – again farewell for the year to all our Paerangi ākonga who have finished their NCEA mahi and are studying for their exams or on leave…..stay safe….enjoy….get a summer job!!

Lastly – once again farewell to our two Year 13s the Manaaki’s….thank you, guys.


Ētahi mahi i tenei wāhanga..Harikoa ngā tamariki ki ngā mahi tunu kai i tēnei wāhanga. Reka rawa ngā kai. Kaha hoki rātou ki te mahi ā roopu, ā takirua rānei. Mīharo ō koutou mahi!



He Nohonga Ngātautanga Ahau me Te Taiao

  • Term 4 Week 5: ‘Tri Oceans’ – We were grateful for the opportunity to visit Aroha Island with a team of experienced marine researchers and educators based in Te Pēwhairangi Ipipiri (The Bay of Islands).
  • Tau 9 and Tau 10 ākonga celebrate their learning for the day together. Julius Tipene (Tau 10), and Gaze Tilialo (Tau 9) received the 1st Prize overall receiving a Tri Oceans Tee-Shirt.
  • Tau 9 and Tau 10 Haerenga ki Ruapekapeka, Kororareka me Te Rau Aroha. All three places that our students visited had significant historical value to the kaupapa of our Kura in recognising how far we have come as a people and also reminding us of the mahi that we still to do in moving forward as a kura.


  • Remember to maintain uniform standards as it contributes to a positive school environment and helps foster self-discipline and responsibility.
  • IronMaori Tamaki is scheduled for Saturday, December 2nd and we are taking two teams this year.


  • Over the past 5 weeks, the Academy Cadets have been called into many kaupapa, including multiple tangihanga, 28 Māori Battalion medal Ceremony, and Italy fundraising events. These kaupapa have allowed the Academy to sharpen up and iron any doubts that prevent the academy from reaching its potential.
  • The Academy sends their condolences to the whānau Paraone for the loss of Aunty Peggy, and secondly to the whānau Wright for the loss of Aunty Wikitoria. Kia kore wareware. The response from the boys and the standard that was set at these kaupapa has laid promising times for the future ahead. The boys are getting more and more reliable as they comprehend the true meaning of the Academy and the kaupapa.
  • With Chief moving to a new job and a change of guard in the Academy, the cadets have responded well and have used this opportunity to take on new challenges. This was shown at the 28 Māori Battalion medal ceremony. The cadets showed discipline, honour, and respect as they carried the Mana of their tūpuna that day. We were also rewarded with a special wairua moment the night before. The presence of the 28 Māori Battalion was felt by the cadets and the opportunity to serve Tā Bom Gillies was an honour the cadets will never forget. Another special moment to put in the Academy archives
  • The Academy would also like to acknowledge all parents who supported our Italy Fundraising trip by running their stores at the InnoNative mini-market event. The success of that day will be a huge contribution to our overall goal to get these cadets to Italy for the 80th commemoration of the Battle of Monte Cassino. Overall, there has been a rise in standards in the Academy, it gives great hope for what lies ahead

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Mahi Hakinakina

  • Last week Paetata had 2 mixed teams entered into the volleyball festival tournament held at Kensington stadium. All players enjoyed the experience and came away excited, proud of themselves and wanting to play more. Both teams won 2 games out of 3. We look forward to seeing volleyball grow at our Kura.
  • Learning new skills and techniques of how to play indoor cricket at the Northland cricket association.  At first there were mixed feelings about the sport, but the passionate and engaging coaches Rob Geaney and Ben made their experience fun, challenging and competitive, which is what the ȃkonga loved the most.  A massive mihi to Northland Cricket for sharing their knowledge, expertise and the new bags, balls and posters.
  • Hailing from Tai Tokerau, we have the Tai Tokerau Natives Rugby Team, embarking on an exciting journey across the USA, participating in three matches across various provinces, kicking off in San Francisco. Among the outstanding members are the 2023 Head Girl, No:1 jersey Wikitoria Rogers, and the accomplished former Pou Arahi, Year 13, No:3 jersey Erana Paraha. Your performance is perfect, pushing the boundaries of excellence in the world. Make the most of your game time, showcasing your skills and determination. Te Kāpehu Whetū has been eagerly tracking your adventure, and we extend our cheerful congratulations to these remarkable ladies.

Important Dates (October-December)

NCEA exams, Moana futures, Teachers Only Days, Paetata 2024 whanau hui, Paetawhiti 2024 whanau hui, Iron Maori Tamaki, Paenuku Prize Giving, Graduation & Paerangi Prize giving.

Pānui ā Kura – 20 October 2023

View/Download20 October 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB


Following the loss of our Aunty Peggy last week, on Saturday we lost another of our Mareikura, Whaea Wikitoria Wright, the 93-year-old wife of Ross Rawson Wright our 10th Academy Intake.

As we did last week, the Academy and staff traveled to Waikaretu marae, on the Pouto peninsula, to pay our respects.


Ko te kaupapa mō tēnei wahanga whakamutunga ko Tangaroa. Nō reira ka tukana ngā kōrero ō tēna ō tēna ō mātou mō ngā kaupapa e pā ana ki te ruku, kohi me te kai kina.


  • The first two weeks back ākonga have been exploring the mangrove environment around the Hatea.
  • Tau 9 ākonga are preparing for the end-of-year NCEA Literacy and Numeracy assessments. Kia kaha kōhine mā!
  • Four of our girls represented Northland at the New Zealand U13 Regional Basketball Tournament in Auckland.


  • These final weeks are a crucial time for our students to secure the credits they need to pass their NCEA. The right attitude is the key to success. The teachers and staff are here to support you.
  • Remember to maintain uniform standards as it contributes to a positive school environment and helps foster self-discipline and responsibility.
  • IronMaori Tamaki is scheduled for Saturday, December 2nd and we are taking two teams this year.

Whānau, please note

  • Our kura has high expectations of ourselves and ākonga, therefore, we need to attend consistently, be awake, follow the hygiene and dress standards, and be well-rounded in our hauora.
  • Healthy kai (provided) and Wai Māori are the only acceptable kai allowed at TKW. Please ensure that your tamariki has a clean and named water bottle with them each day.


As part of the merge process, Te Kāpehu Whetū has been working with SchoolDocs to create a website for our policies and procedures. We are excited to announce that the site is now live and available to our school community. Access details are in the newsletter.

Important Dates (October-December)

Academy medal ceremony, InnoNative Market day fundraiser for Italy, Prizegivings, NECA exams, Moana Futures, Teachers Only Day, Iron Māori Tamaki, and more.

View/Download20 October 2023 Pānui PDF / 1 MB
overseas exchange

Students hope overseas exchange will help with future goals

Three Northland students who will be going on overseas exchanges next year say they are excited to become immersed in other cultures and hope it will help with their future aspirations.

While other students will be heading to university next year, Te Kapehu Whetu students Aotea Parata, Grace Barry and Hineira Komene will be heading overseas on a year-long Rotary Youth Exchange.

Aotea is going to Sao Paulo, Brazil; Grace is going to Bornheim, Germany; and Hineira is heading to St Gallen, Switzerland.

The 17-year-olds said for them the exchange is more than just a chance to travel, it is an opportunity for them to learn a third language, get to know the indigenous people and compare Maori culture, to other cultures.

“We’re indigenous people ourselves, being Maori…I think it’s important embrace other cultures. Especially when you hear other places have lost their language, we know how lucky we are,” said Aotea.

“We can’t just limit ourselves to our own culture we have to broaden our perspective and open our mind,” said Grace.

Both Grace and Hineira want to become involved in the United Nations in the future and are hoping what they learn overseas will help them achieve this goal.

“I’m hoping by learning another language and being immersed in a different culture it will help with my future aspirations of being involved in the United Nations,” Grace said.

“I’m similar. I’ve always wanted to do international mediation to help prevent conflict in countries. That’s why I wanted to pursue a career in the UN. I’ve been gravitating towards Indigenous cultures. This will broaden my perspective,” Hineira said.

In preparation for their exchange the trio have been trying to learn as much about their host country as possible.

The group, who will head off in January, say they are excited but nervous.

“I think this trip will help me become more independent and self sufficient because I’m quite a dependent person. That’s why I’m pushing myself to stay the whole year,” said Hineira.

“We’ve already started placing bets on how long I’ll last,” said Grace.


Originally featured in the Northern Advocate, Monday November 7, 2016
By Mikaela Collins

Photo: Te Kapehu Whetu students Grace Barry, Hineira Komene and Aotea Parata are excited to embrace other cultures when they head on a year-long overseas exchange next year. Photo  / John Stone


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